So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Sugar and spice and everything nice...

That's what my neices are made of! We minded them yesterday while my Dad went for his bone scan. We did sidewalk chalk, playdough, movies, snacks and took a walk. The boys also played with them all day in the yard and pushed Maria in the carriage. They are just adorable and it was a fun day. I was hugging and kissing Maria and she said to me "Remember, this little Maria belongs to her mother".. priceless! I think she was nervous that I wanted to take her home!

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of!


  • At 6:21 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    "Remember, this little Maria belongs to her mother".

    hahahahahahaha! i love it! now that made me smile :) she's sooooo cute...what a little nervous nelly to say that. last time i was home and she first saw me she kept saying "stranger danger" and liz said, that's not a stranger that's Jessica and maria said, "she's not a stranger she's my cousin"...just to reassure herself.


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