So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We have lucked out here in Massachusetts and the weather is actually fairly warm for trick-or-treating. My neighborhood gets hoards of kids so we have plenty of goodies in the bright orange tupperware bowel that comes out only to bake cookies and on Halloween! Billy is going to be a vampire, a rather elegant vampire, with a white cape, black dress pants, a black dress shirt, a medallion and the stick on fangs that go on your real teeth. I will try to get him to let me put some makeup under his eyes so he looks more ghoulish rather than dashing, but we'll see.. Matthew is going as the scary scream mask with the blood and a a black hooded thing.. I know, I know.. I hate this costume.. but the kid is 10 and has been a football player for the past 3 years in a row, plus we borrowed it from a neighbor so I didn't actually pay for the hideous thing.

My neighbor has a halloween party in her driveway every year from 5-6 with apple bobbing, donuts on a string and pop-the-balloons with darts. She also feeds them hot dogs. I am bringing little water bottles and spiced hot cider for the adults (or kids - nonalcoholic), someone else is bringing a fruit bowl. My kids usually help run it for the younger ones but it is something everyone looks forward to before they head out. Bill always walks them around while I stay and open the door. I think we will actually have a walkway, as the guys are finishing up that part today. The driveway has been graded and hopefully that will come soon!!!!!

I never had a store bought costume as a kid.. mom always came up with something great... some that I remember are:

* gypsy
*flower (this was so cute but I was really embarrassed to wear it at age 5)
*Rapunzel ( this was FABULOUS.. I actually won first place at girl scouts for this costume .. my mother cut down a fancy dress and made a satin pinifore and long yellow braids down to the floor with yarn and a satin hat with the loops hanging down...she embarrassed the heck out of my friend driving us there with a mop on her head tied back like a judge!)
*Police man (woman)...

That's all I can remember.. I know sometimes I was envious of the kids with the hideous plastic costumes, but mine were always better! Thanks Mom!


  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    sounds fun tonight K
    so lucky to have your mom do the homemade thing.....

  • At 5:55 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I was always a hobo. I wore my dads fedora & long rain coat. My mom would put red on the end of my nose (from drinking I guess??) and I would carry a stick with a package at the end. Every year...a hobo!

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Gypsy was big at my house!

  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew that is so funny that you were a hobo EVERY year!!! I'm still laughing about it.. did you ever want to be something else?

    Come to think of it, I think I was a hobo once too!


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