So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

And now the end is near...

I can honestly say that I will be thrilled when football is over for the season. I stood at the field last night for 2 hours in the cold watching the PeeWees scrimmage the Midgets (which is a difference of about 50 lbs or so). I stood right by the fence so I could make sure that Matt wasn't one of the kids on the ground writhing in pain every other play. Two of the boys were actually crying last night... real tears.. real cries.. AT FOOTBALL! Now these kids had to be hurt because you know that they are tough stuff. The coaches try to make light of it, but it makes me very nervous. I guess I'll always be this way. I'm just really glad that Matt is not a running back because these are the kids that get clobbered.

We won the game on Sunday (after two Ambulances came to the field to take away two of the opposing teams' players.. one precautionary neck pain and the other a broken collarbone)... This means that if we win this week, we will be in the playoffs. (yikes).. I'm not sure what to root for. If this wasn't Matthew's favorite thing in the world, I would seriously consider not doing this... I'll just keep on padding him up and asking the angels to surround him during his games. Go team Go!


  • At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know exactly how you feel...Alex's team made it to the playoffs as well and the cheerleaders won first place in the competition. looks like another two weeks for me....i should be more excited!

  • At 7:57 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Yay Alex... I am excited for her (not for you though). She has had a great year and must be so excited! Why am I so done this year, am I like this every year?

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I don't understand why they would let the Peewees play against the Midgets. A 50 lb weight difference in football is INSANE. Someone could get their neck broken. I coach basketball and I have a little experience in sports and coaching. So...I just hope the season's over soon.

  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew, You are right.. I'm going to say something to the coach about it.. I don't want to see anyone get hurt just because they have HUGE egos and need to win!

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Yikes-2 ambulances!


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