So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkk!

Sorry I disappeared for awhile, life just got in the way of blogging!

We have been moved into the new house for 2 weeks now. It is wonderful, although still a work in progress! We all love the house and it is starting to feel like home, it's just that the workers are not out of our lives yet. I have people here almost everyday, finishing up the basement and supposed to be finishing the wall and driveway outside. It is kind of a nightmare because these outside people just never show up....(sigh...) Oh well, it will get done eventually.

Dad is doing well. He is on round three of chemo and the CT scan shows that the tumor has shrunk (is that a word?) but they aren't sure about the lymph nodes. We are in the midst of planning his 80th birthday party in December which will be a wonderful time!!!!!!

I've been working a TON (which is another reason I have'nt blogged)..It's nice to get the hours but I need a little downtime!

Billy was in a read-a-thon for Wednesday's Child (Jack Williams) and came in third place (he read for 5 hours straight and about 300 pages) so I'm very proud of him. Matt's team has been on a losing streak and we are hoping they will win today!!!! Otherwise, I'll have to pop over to all your blogs and see what's been going on. I've missed everyone! It's good to be home.......


  • At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice to have you I'll know whats going on in your life again!

  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    When am I coming over to tour the new digs? ; )

  • At 7:35 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    call me! come for coffe when E is in school (in your whole hour and a half of freedom)..

  • At 7:57 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Dude...two weeks to go for us! I think my free morning hours are going to be spoken for the next couple of weeks...but we will plan November visits, okay? Miss you! Glad to hear Mr. F is doing so well.

  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    KAREN it is so nice to see you back. WOW busy bee you are.....
    That is awesome with the reading and so many times teams get in their slimps....At least they don't have irate dads w/weapons in the coaches faces when the kids are not on the field enough! Did you see that story of the 7 year olds dad?

  • At 6:31 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Welcome back, Karen. Sounds like you're swamped! ...but w/good things.

    We'll keep the prayers going for your dad. It's fun to look forward to things like birthdays. 80 is a big one! :-)

    New Hampshire was great...we just didn't have enough time there. We're planning a 3-day w/e sometime soon. I couldn't believe how small Concord was (for a city)!


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