So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, October 27, 2006

Jarred "gravy"????

Alright, I'm ready with a shield to deflect all the tomatoes that will be thrown at me.. but I just have to say that Paul Newman's Marina sauce is absolutely delicious!!!!! I haven't had any time to make a sauce (in fact, will one of you real Italians post a good recipe for me?)... so I have used not only his Marina sauce but the Vodka sauce as well which is so good over tortellini. I just had to share.. I'm ducking now...


  • At 7:03 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said… favorite when i was little was plain prince spaghetti sauce with sweet potatoes and regular potatoes added...maybe a little basil....i was so mad when they stopped making prince sauce.

    who the heck has time to make homemade sauce!? lolololol.....

    i just buy the organic brand and since there aren't a lot of italians that i know out here, whenever i make my stuffed shells my friends think i made the sauce, lololol!!!

    one time a friend was afraid to cook me pasta because i'm part italian....i'm like "i'm only a quarter!"

  • At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    O.k.....big secret! I dont make my own gravy very often anymore....much too time consumming. Eddie stills asks and i make it every once in a while. Don't feel bad, we are busy women!

  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    You're right.. they are lucky to get any food at all from us! (haha)

    Guy used to make sauce (gravy whatever) and used to put whole potatoes in it and it was my favorite part.. he also used to put boiled eggs in there.. never heard of that...

  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    You won't find me hurling any rotten tomatoes at ya, friend. Even I only make "real" gravy a few times a year for special occasions...for everyday use, there are some Classico jarred sauces that are really, really good. George used to make the most awesome calamari gravy for Christmas Eve dinner...pity he never wrote down the recipe, but I am diligently scouring his mother's hundreds of cookbooks for the clues!

  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    ** That would be marinARA.. don't know why I always misspell that** YOu know what I mean..

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I am blocking my eyes and ears lol lol from all of your comments....UGH GRAVY HOMEMADE! My family are Jar Sause SNOBS!
    Karen I had two seperate days with friends when the two of them came over and we did it was fun and Lydias family have never been happier now that she no longer uses the jar stuff....The only jar my gravy goes in is an air tight jar lol lol

  • At 11:33 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    RAGU is a four letter word in my husbands family! He would give up pasta before eating jarred!!!haha
    K, I have a great vodka sauce recipe-and you can use JARRED marinara (or homemade)
    I'll have to get it to you somehow-
    Maybe if I start my blog up again...
    SO BUSY! :(

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Alright... I'm really looking forward to some sauce lessons from Stephanie and Melissa :) I learned today that I am not a fan of Paul's Tomato and Basil.. yucky.


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