So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Movie Mania.. and some disappointments....

I rarely go to the movies (although I love it.. don't know why I don't go) but this weekend I went to 2. The first one was last night.. date night for Bill and I.. and since we didn't want to go to a late afternoon because we left Billy in charge, we were limited to our choices. So the one that fit into the time slot was THE MESSENGERS. I love a good creepy flick that makes me have to watch through my hands while saying "what's going on?" "what happened". I knew this one was going to be a "B" movie by watching the trailor for it so I wasn't surprised that it was "metza metza". I did enjoy it.. Yes, it was pretty stupid, but it got the requisite jumps out of me and I did some hand peeking.. I think I enjoyed being out with my hubby so I didn't mind that it was predictable. The whole farmhouse out in North Dakota, with troubled teen in a haunted house thing. Should you go? Probably not.

The second one was a HUGE disappointment. I'm sad to say that we took the kids to see NORBIT, the new Eddie Murphy movie. Since we both got a kick out of Nutty Professor and love to see how he can become different characters, we thought it might be semi funny.. It was bad. The language was bad, the humor was bad. It was racist, sexual, and just plain stupid. Unfortunately, the boys thought it was funny. I'll have to do more homework next time. I told them how I didn't like the language (everyone was a **tch and Billy said good thing you don't go my school, Mom, because that's how people talk. How very sad. This movie had some potential of being humerous. I'm not an Eddie Murphy fan at all.

Anyway, we are going out now to Matt's football banquet, where he will recieve another trophy to add to his headboard collection. This will be 100% more entertaining than the couple hours that I wasted this afternoon.


  • At 3:05 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    the messenger definitely looks creepy.....did you have nightmares???????? remember i used to be afraid to sleep in your guest room because you let me watch tales from the crypt and the killer santa claus climbed in through the window? lololol!

    norbit looks ghetto, i'm not suprised at the bad review :(

    yay Matt for a new trophy!!!

  • At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh I would never be able to watch the 1st movie...I DO NOT watch stuff like that too creepy 4 me....
    I am glad you gave the Normit no go...I too dislike Murphy but the Klups was funny in a way and I tought Norbit would be the same....M will be so glad not to go to Norbit....
    Way to go Billy...Have fun at the dinner and yes I don't like the launguage that some of the kids say......Stephie

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Nancy and I were thinking of going to a movie tonight but there was nothing really out that we wanted to see. The Messengers looks like something that I would like, but not Nancy. So I'll try to catch it on a rental. I read that Norbit was pretty raunchy...unlike Dr. Dolittle or the Klumps. The fat suit looked cool though.
    Coaching gives me a glimpse into the way that kids talk to each other. I hear trash talk on the basketball court even in 3rd. grade. I can't believe the profanity...but I guess I'm getting used to it. I haven't heard it from my players and they all know if I do, they're out of the game and doing push-ups. I mentioned it to one of the coaches on the other team and he was like: "Well boys will be boys'. I said: "You're kidding, right?" and he said: 'no...are you?' So...that's the way things are gong I guess. But I'm not giving in. <---another of my rants. So yeah...movies. Nancy and Krissy went to see "Because I said So" and they loved it. It's a good Mom and (older) daughter movie.

    What else is coming out? ('Flushed Away' on DVD!)

  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    ooooopss..i mean yay billy for the trophy...i had cousin confusion coupled with pregnancy brain...forgive me!

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Andy said…

    Last few Eddie Murphy movies coutesy of the Internet movie database (

    Norbit (2007)
    Dreamgirls (2006)
    Shrek 2 (2004) (voice)
    The Haunted Mansion (2003)
    Daddy Day Care (2003)
    I Spy (2002)
    The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)
    Showtime (2002)
    Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001)
    Shrek (2001) (voice)
    Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000)
    Bowfinger (1999)
    Holy Man (1998)
    Doctor Dolittle (1998)
    Mulan (1998) (voice)
    Metro (1997)
    The Nutty Professor(1996)

    I see a few stinkers in there. He has a good track record and he's still a box office draw. He's due for a REALLY crappy movie.

    I'm not going to see Norbit - it's just not my cup of tea.

    I'll take Shrek or Mulan any day of the week :)

  • At 4:20 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Shrek rules! #3 is coming soon to theaters near you. Eddie has talent, he needs to learn to use it wisely. It was weird that there was hardly any laughter in the theater. :(

    Jess, it was Matt that got the trophy for football, silly!

  • At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lots of good movies out there people......The Departed comes out on dvd tomorrow, Notes on a Scandel is fab, Little Children is said to be great, havent seen it yet. The Queen, Last king of Scotland....I could go on!

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I wanted to see Notes on a Scandal but it didn't fit into the time slot.. Haven't heard of Little Children.. I can't wait to see the Departed...

    I loved Over the Hedge :)

  • At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Opps my fault on the Billy thing....I shoul dof know that the younger one likes f/b and the older likes acting....oppsssiiieee
    Stephie/Jess that was my fault

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    stephie, stop messing with the preggos brain! lololol

  • At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    too bad about the movies-I'm waiting for Departed on DVD

  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger melissa said…

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