So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Inspiring Story of a Miracle named Joel...

Here's the book I was talking about earlier...


  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    I'm definitely going to pick this up.

  • At 4:32 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I'm going to order it from the library!

  • At 6:40 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    That's where I got it Dawn!

  • At 6:23 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Karen, I couldn't pull it up on either my library's site or amazon to find out the author's name. Who is the author? Thanks!

  • At 4:15 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    The book is called
    The Inspiring Story of a Miracle named...Joel"

    Written by Joel Sonnengerg with Greg Lewis.

  • At 5:36 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Thanks Karen.


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