So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Just another manic Monday...

Ok, I couldn't wait to use that title.. hope you'll all be humming that song all day :)

My basement is full of about 8 painters.. The driveway/wall guys are finally back outside. It was one of those mornings that I'm grateful I work at home. I wanted to just stay snuggly in my purple fleece LL bean robe and matching lavendar slippers.. But no... I had to race to dress while all the while Matt is yelling "Mom" where's this, where's that, my sneakers are wet.. I didn't feed my hermit crabs.. where is my costume.. Its' gonna get crushed in this bag... etcetera etcetera etcetera... My eyes are still barely open after 2 cups of joe today.. the bags underneath them are packed and ready for a good trip :) I'm not complaining (sure I'm not), I'm just waiting for the day when my house is all mine. Hopefully painting will be done by tomorrow, electrician is coming Wednesday, berber carpet is coming on Thursday. I will schedule delivery of family room furniture from storage unit by Saturday.. and POOF ... a family room of our very own, just in time for Thanksgiving!!! (I sincerely hope so) Have a good Monday all.. Keep smilin!


  • At 6:09 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I was so close to using that title too..........I just got back from dropp off at school and dropping my car off at the dealer (again) to look at the NEW brakes that keep smoking and failing YGH..Well on the way out of the garage with Hubbys NEW truck! Yes his baby, I clipped the side of the garage with the bumper....UGH Not a good Monday.....NOt at all.....So the bumper needs to go to the dealer or a auto body plave and be pulled out....yeah and now a painting of the wood on the trim of the garage...Please say a prayer that I am still alive today...He does know and saw it and is still talking to me but in a louder voice than regular...UGH UGH Heaven help me........
    Have a good Monday if you can and keep drinkin the will make you alert...

  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    (tell me why) I don't like Mondays!
    (tell me why) I don't like Mondays!
    I don't like...
    I don't like...
    I don't like Mondays
    I wanna shoot (oo oo oo oo oo)
    The whole day down!

  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh, Steph.. I hate that! You poor thing.. and poor hubby's truck :(

    Once I took the whole side mirror off my old Blazer backing out of the garage and I had to drive around with it hanging off for days until they could take me.. acutally I think Bill duct-taped it which is even worse. I looked like a LOSER!!! So sorry your Monday is manic...I hope your day gets better. My house smells like a dentists office from whatever chemicals these guys are using.. so if you don't hear from me its because I'm lying on the floor dying of chemical poisening. :)

  • At 6:29 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew.. BOOMTOWN RATS.. great tune! scary that it was true!

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    okay, you have me singing that song now! lol

  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger Andy said…

    ...that's my fun day... I don't have to run day..

    AAAGGGGHHHH!!! Make it stop!!!!


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