So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday, Fun day...

Today was Bill's annual Patriots Game Day with the boys (boys meaning my nephew Kevin, Matthew, and his best friend Tommy). Not even the rain could stop the sunshine on their faces. Matt was so excited last night that he couldn't sleep! They headed out at 9 a.m. and even though the Pats lost, they still had a great time :)

Billy and I, along with a wooden box that was to become the Nile River, headed to my parents house for a visit and to address invites to my dad's upcoming b-day. Mom broke out her paints and after a few hours, that plain wooden box was adorned with pyramids, blue skies and palm trees. Billy did all the painting (well, most of it) Mom and I just made suggestions.. it looks really good.. He filled it with sand and he and Bill cut up a plastic bottle which will become the river and tomorrow at school (his other grandma will drive him so he doesn't have to take this on the bus) he will flood it with blue food coloring colored water and show how the Nile gently floods the lands. Very cool project.

We ate one of my fav's.. chicken parm and pasta then apple pie and ice cream for desert. My dad looks great and sat and watched the game. He gave me a couple of good books to take home. My sister Janice and neice Kara came for a visit and My brother Mike came with my neice Maria (cutest little redhead in the whole wide world).. so it was a great visit. Billy and I found a station that played old 80's music and belted out some tunes (probably very out of tune) on the way home... Now... comes Monday and a very busy week ahead.. But today was a great day...


  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Sounds great! Love those diarama projects ;-) Great Jets game too...ooops...I mean Pats game!!! :p

  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    sounds like a great day!

    the concert was awesome as usual...and no i didn't get on stage unfortuneately!

  • At 6:04 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    The day sounded so wonderful with your family members.....Cool project....Yum on the food and nice company to be with..SO glad to hear your dad is in good spirits......


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