So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Old Man Winter

I'd like to see him retire. It has been nothing but cold, cold, wind, cold more wind, and more cold. I'm bored out of my skull. I love to go out and take walks but it is so cold I only leave the house when I have to. I must be getting old. Or just not motivated to go anywhere! Although I'm not really sad to see no snow, I feel bad for the kids who can't sled or muck around outside and have snowball fights and be kids! I keep thinking one more month....It's my mantra.

My lucky boys are spending the week down the Cape with their Grandparents and older cousin. My in-laws have had a time-share for the February Vacation week for about 20 years. My brother in law met his future wife there when he was only 14 or so. They stayed friends as her parents also had the vacation week timeshare. She invited him to her prom and the rest is history. Two kids and a move to Florida later, they are very happy together. Maybe my future daughter-in-law will emerge :) They have lots of fun playing board games, cards, video games, basketball and going to the pool. Their grandparents spoil them and they deserve a nice break. Bill and I are having a weekend alone up North , some skiing, some relaxing, and then coming home to an empty house. I told him I'm taking the week off from cooking and he readily agreed. I'm sure I'll miss the boys by the end of the week so I'll be looking forward to them coming home.

In some sad news, our friend Norma's mother passed away suddenly yesterday at her home. It hasn't even been a year since her father died. Her and I were just gabbing about how she would love her mother to live with them and the room that was slated for Big Norma was just gorgeous... master bath with jacuzzi tub and two huge closets and the room is bright and sunny. I'm sure Norma could use all of our prayers and thoughts as she goes through this difficult time. She's been a great daughter, and to her mother's credit, she is a FANTASTIC mother herself.

Have a good weekend everyone.. Think Spring.


  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Hear Hear for an early Spring.
    Sad for Norma...sadly, both Nancy and I have lost our parents. It's a bummer for the kids. About 10 years ago, my mom and dad passed within about 9 months of each other. So, our prayers go out to God for Norma and her family.

  • At 3:01 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    ((((hugs to norma))))

    yay for no cooking for a week!

    crossing my fingers for you that the northeast doesn't get an april fools storm this year!

  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    It's so sad that both you and Nancy have lost your parents at such young ages... It doesn't seem right at all. Bill and I are both lucky to have our parents with us still.. It's a hard thing to have to lose your parents. I'm sorry that they didn't get to know all your beautiful children.

  • At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I tought you loved sking and the snow? Guess it is already on your nerves....
    My poor BN.....That women would make me feel so special growing up and now, she lit up when she saw me and made me feel so good. I will miss her lots and know just how much Normie and her had a really nice mother/daughter/friend relationship. SO sad,,,and the girls were so in love with their was the way they said the word that was so cute too...You just had to see them when they were with her....It was so sweet....Stephie

  • At 7:36 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Stephie, Norma is so lucky to have you! I'm sorry for your loss too and hope you cherish your memories..


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