So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, April 30, 2007

Book Review...

I read so much this weekend, but the book I read yesterday I couldn't put down. It was called NINTEEN MINUTES by Jodi Piccout. Reading this on the heels of the Virginia Tech tragedy was very thought provoking.

It was about a teenage boy in a small town in New Hampshire that had been mercilessly picked on and teased since Kindergarten and who finally snapped. It told the perspectives of not only the victims, families and classmates, but also of the perpetrator and his family.

Kids have been getting picked on forever. There was a pecking order when I was a kid and probably back when my parents were kids. But it really does have to stop. Sometimes people go too far and also people ignore signs of impending doom from these kids. We have all seen the "goths" walking around with their black clothes, and dyed hair and pins in their noses and we assume that they are troubled. I wonder if anyone ever listens to them.. I wonder if their parents talk to them and ask them how their day was. One of the things in this book that really got me was that this kids parent's had no idea what he went through on a daily basis. He told them things were "fine" when they asked. He spent way too much time in his room on the computer. He has accessibilty to weapons and directions from the internet on how to make bombs.
When he was little and did complain to his mother, she told him he needed to fight back and toughen up. She thought she was helping. I remember telling Billy to stand up for himself when he was having trouble on the bus. "Don't let them push you around!" I said. But I also listened, and hugged him and told him that he didn't have to change who he was. I also taught them both that they don't have to like everyone, but don't ever let me hear of them being cruel to anyone. In fact, Billy had a very hard year in 5th grade because he kept sticking up for a kid who had some problems and was teased constantly. He was so torn because he himself got picked on for sticking up for this kid. It's a catch 22. If you do the right thing and stand up for someone else, you become the target.

At bedtime I hugged both my boys as I do each night and told them to always talk to Dad and I about anything. Never tell us things are fine if they aren't and that we would always be there to help and talk things through. I'm lucky that my kids are happy.... there are so many out there that aren't.


  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    sounds like an awesome book auntie. and it got you thinking and talking to your kids which is even better (even though you talk to them anyway!). i read a great book about a school shooting called "empire falls" it was about a small town in Maine (what's with the new england states....) they made it into a Movie and the movie was really good too.

    there was a kid at our high school who was one of those dark cloak looking guys who used to always have swastickas (sp?) on everything. turns out he is an international NEO-NAZI and has been featured in TIME magazine and rolling stone and everything for his crazy ways. he also buried some gold in his mothers yard in Westwood (this was last year) and AOL wanted to dig up his mothers yard to find it. She refused and they have no contact with Brett....oh and he is jewish so he completely changed his name..... talk about crazy!

  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    interesting book, Karen

    We just got a call last night from the schools telling us about some "incidents" at the HS and middle school last week.
    A gun brought to school HS (to possibly echo the recent tradgedy)
    and a "hitlist" found at the middle school
    Theres an investigation going on and "long term" suspensions as quoted by the school.
    It has to stop!

  • At 11:37 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Jess, I also read Empire Falls.. great book.. Crazy story about your classmate..

    Melissa..Yikes.. but at least they did notify you.. it's happening more and more and you have to wonder what can stop it..

  • At 5:53 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    One of the things I liked about the show: "Joan of Arcadia" is that they presented God in so many different ways. You couldn't ever judge the person you were talking to by their appearence. You're a good mom, Karen.

  • At 4:33 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    That was such a good show. Thanks for the compliment :)


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