So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Halfway there...

Augh!!!!!!! I like my kids under my roof!! I will be one happy Mama when Saturday at 7a.m. arrives!

Billy is loving Washington DC.. He's really taking it all in and has already used 4 disposable cameras up. Can't wait to see these pictures. He really misses us though. Now I really wish I had chaperoned. He said that he wishes he was seeing it with us and has called many times. He's not crazy about his room-mate situation and has complained that the boys are all perverted (well, they are 13).. but he is really not that kind of kid and is much more mature than the average 13 year old. He's really there to see the sites and take in as much as he can and it sounds like they are really there to be goofy.. so I feel a little bad and wish that some of his closer friends had gone because he would have not missed us so much. I swear sometimes my heart is made of glass.... But he'll survive and has told me that he is having a good time.

Matthew has been having a great week.. starting with his birthday sleepover.. then he had a sleepover last night, and my nephew Philip is now staying with us for a couple days and they are playing Dance Dance Revolution.. I need to try this! I'm going to take them swimming tomorrow at my healthclub and hopefully the weather will clear up. I've been very shaken up by the Virginia Tech tragedy, as I'm sure everyone is.. Another reason to wish my son was home...

Have a good week everyone... Wish KathyDyah was chaperoning Billy!


  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    the roommate situations on those trips are NEVER ideal...i remember one of the girls i was rooming with kept prank calling all the boys rooms and i was sooooo afraid of getting in trouble.

    the virginia tech thing is HORRIBLE and i've forced myself to stop thinking about it because i spent hours yesterday crying and reading all these people's life stories that were, so sad.

  • At 3:54 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    On my 8th grade class trip to DC, my friend Anna just kept talking and TALKING blah blah blah all night, every night, about the most BORING stuff...and, I think our teacher had a fling with the bus driver.

  • At 4:30 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I went to a lame school.. At least you guys had class trips.. I got NUTHIN!

    Update.. he has now used 6 disposable cameras and still has 2 days to go...

  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I never went on any cool trips either, Karen. I remember my 6th grade class went to this place called Askoken (or something like that) and my parents couldn't foot the bill, so I had to sit in an empty classromm for 3 days with the one bad kid in the class. It was like a scene from The Breakfast Club. Me, the sport-o, and the long haired guy with the denim band jacket and chain-attached wallet.
    When the kids got back...they talked about the trip for a month. This one kid Paul Winkelmeyer killed a frog with a stick. So I remember that I was glad I wasn't there for that because I would've killed Paul Winkelmeyer with that same stick.

  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Poor Drew.. we both got Nuthin! Paul Winkelmeyer needed therapy.. wonder if his name was ever on the news.....

  • At 8:51 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    How long is this trip????!!!
    My boys are going from Sunday 5am -Tues 11 pm !I hope they have enough time to see everything-

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Mel, he left Monday at 6 a.m. and doesn't get back until Saturday at 7a.m. But they are also having a day at Busch Gardens, Virginia. They leave today in the afternoon to go there and spend tomorrow at the park then leave at night and arrive home Saturday morning. So your kids will have a lot of stuff to see in those few days!

  • At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope the trip is a great one....Norma who Miss Fee? that is is nly teacher I could think of that may have had a fling w/ the
    My 8th grade DC trip was fun. I wore the most stylish parachute pants I remember beggin for them b/c they were the in thing....Like Hammer pants...I got to change the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. I was so proud to do that with Larry and Tommy.....2 very smart and geeky boys....They were so geeky but you had to love .....Poor Drew and Karen I am sure there were other fun things to do while you were in school......Stephie


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