So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Day gone bad...

Well my plans to work this morning, then go to the gym, then to the library have been cancelled.

Matt woke up with a voice like a frog and couldn't swallow. He is back in bed and I am home, home, home for the day :(

Later I have to make Day of the Dead Bread with Billy. Only problem is I've never made any type of bread with dry active yeast in my entire life. There is punching involved.. This should be interesting. I hope I can find my missing camera so I can take a photo. He gets 10 extra points in Spanish for making this bread. But we don't have much time because he has drama after school and then has to babysit tonight at 6:45 and from the directions for this Dead Bread it looks like we have to wait hours for it to rise. He's going to call me after school to see if he can leave early from Drama today.

Matt's up and sounding less croaky. Doing his flashcards for tomorrow. The streetcleaner went by. That's always good. Have a great Thursday!


  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    What's up with the "Dead Bread"? ...or should I just Google it?

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Here's the poop:

    Generalizing broadly, the holiday's activities consist of families (1) welcoming their dead back into their homes, and (2) visiting the graves of their close kin. At the cemetery, family members engage in sprucing up the gravesite, decorating it with flowers, setting out and enjoying a picnic, and interacting socially with other family and community members who gather there. In both cases, celebrants believe that the souls of the dead return and are all around them. Families remember the departed by telling stories about them. The meals prepared for these picnics are sumptuous, usually featuring meat dishes in spicy sauces, chocolate beverages, cookies, sugary confections in a variety of animal or skull shapes, and a special egg-batter bread ("pan de muerto," or bread of the dead)

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    isn't day of the dead in November? lol....good luck with punching the bread...i would love to see action shots of that!!!

    poor Matt, does he have a fever?

  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Drew! It sounds like a nice custom.. kind of like what our "Memorial Day" is supposed to be like. When I went to Mexico there were all kinds of little skulls and stuff that they sold for "Day of the Dead"...Remember, Jess?

    No fever for Matt.. just a bad cold. I'm glad he stayed home.. he's been sneezing and everything. Maybe this day of rest will stave off a worsening sickness. He's in the shower right now and then he'll get some chicken soup :)

    I'll let you know how the bread comes out.

  • At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry Matt isnt feeling well....give him a hug for me!

  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Sorry Matt is not feeling well.
    I hope the bread beating goes well.....It does take a long time when you use live active yeast...

  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Isn't El Dia de Los Muertos on November 1st? The Spanish teacher is a little late!

  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i had to make Flan for spanish class in high school (we had an international buffet at lunch) and my mother and my friend and i made it was really difficult and took forever.....i had second lunch and when i went up to the buffet table all the flan was still there, no one ate any of it, but one person put their finger in the middle of one of them....i was so sad!

  • At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh you poor thing Jess...that is sad...finger in flan....I am so not found of that
    In grammer school we had international day and I remember every kid fought to do Italy lol b/c we were all of that desent except for this Irish kid that did the scones nad soda bread and we were like yuck Italian food is way better lol lol Is it not? Yes it is.......Stephie....

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    It was for international food day (or foreign language day) I have no idea why Billy picked this recipe. I have a picture that I'll post when I get home (I'm in NH this weekend). The bread looked and smelled beautious! But lo and behold when I picked him up today, he was carrying the tin with most of the bread in it!!! Grrrr...
    He said it didn't taste very good because it wasnt warm.. So Jess my dear, I feel you pain. I don't know why you chose flan.. its a custard and kids don't like custard. Why not mexican wedding cake or something.. Flan and Dead bread.. yuck!

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    hahaha...auntie, i so didn't chose flan! we had a list of things as a class to make and i ended up with flan.....freaking flan! did you eat the rest of the dead bread or did you throw it out?


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