So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, February 22, 2007


It's been quite a week, hasn't it. Loving this bit of warmer (notice I didn't exactly say WARM) weather that we've been having.

Here's the poop..

Went away with Bill at the beginning of the week and lounged around watching movies, finished the puzzle, ate out, made chili and was just generally pretty darn lazy. I did attempt skiing on MLK day but it was -1 at the base, so imagine the ride up the chair lift. Think windburn and severe headache and your nostrils frozen. Not fun.. I did one run and ran for the lodge. Haven't had much luck with the ski scene this year.

Bill and I joined the gym again. It's a wonderful (but yes expensive) club that has raquetball, a pool, classes, weights, yoga, pilates, a juice bar, fancy bathrooms with steam and sauna.. I'm sure you can picture it. We bit the bullet and will make sure that we go. After chatting with cousin Kathy last night, we both agreed that the benefits of exercising are worth the payment, right ? right! So I went last night and will be leaving as soon as the bloggin is done.

My kids have been with Grandma and Grandpa Tringali all week and are having a fantastic time! They won't want to come home. I'll admit that it has been a lovely break, and I forgot how easy it is to just care for yourself.. wow, it's easy! They come back on Saturday.

Jessica is having a boy!!! I'm so so so so excited. I was secretly hoping for a little boy since the last two babies in our family were girls (who are now 6 and soon to be 4) so we are all looking forward to a little one to love.

I can't believe how much I am looking forward to Spring. I think I might have that Seasonal Affective Disorder thing because I have just been in doldrums.. I'm not made for gray skies :).

Dad starts his FINAL (I sincerely hope) chemotherapy treatment next week and is really looking forward to being done with all these appointments and being able to just be himself for awhile. He's very brave and I'm ever so proud of him. Mom deserves KUDOS for taking such good care of him and putting herself last.. Spring is coming.

Well, that's it for now. Over and Out.


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    hola to you too.....anytime you need a dose of sunshine hop on a plane!

    i'm so glad papa is almost done with chemo...he sounded so tired when i talked to him the other day.

    grandma definitely gets kudos! so kudos to G!!!!!

    we're going to Newport beach this weekend (kenny has a seminar) and i took 3 baby name books out from the library. i'm in love with the name Gianni, but Kenny thinks its too ethnic. But I think Gianni Lang sounds great! Then he says....well, the baby might have blonde hair like i did....this name chosing is hard!

  • At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is so nic eyou got to relax and unwind..
    I was so happy ot hear about the baby boy too.....
    Your mom and dad both sound wonderful.....
    SAD is so true...I have been taking major V-B 12's to keep energy and C for peepyness...I try so hard to not let the winter get me down....SO hard...SPRING WHERE ARE YOU! Stephie

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Someday, I'd like for us all to go to New Zealand for the month of February. Feb. is summer there.I just have to start playing the lottery I guess.

  • At 5:09 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen...time for a new post!

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i agree with drew...get bloggin!!!!!!

  • At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are gonna call u Slacking Blogger Women......Scooby dobie doo where are you????


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