So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, March 19, 2007

Celebrity Meets and Greets!

Jessica and Norma's blogs have recently related some celebrity sightings which got me to remembering some of my own celebrity meetings. Share yours if you have any!

When I was a junior in high school, I had to take a charter bus from Roslindale Square to Brighton to the all-girls private Catholic school that I attended. The busses were always completely crowded, standing room only. My friends and I all loved our old bus driver, Walter, and were always crowded around him at the front of the bus. I was crammed by the door opening and facing out while going around the rotary in Brookline and I happened to look straight out the window at a beautiful navy blue Mercedes Benz and right into the driver's eyes. It was Rick Ocasek from The CARs!!! I opened my mouth and pointed and smiled at him. He nodded his head and smiled right back. I had a great day at school that day!

A few years later, while working as a sales clerk in a NIKE retail store in a certain swanky town, I waited on Jane Curtain (from Saturday Night Live) and fitted her litte daughter with tiny pink Nike sneaks. I sold expensive running shoes to Liz Walker (from the news) She's very very tall. I waited on Barry Nolan from Entertainment tonight and got to meet Danny Ainge and DJ #3 from the Celtics who just passed away. Danny was really nice. I saw Big P***y from the Sopranos at a Springseen Concert. I think that's it.. No major stars, but I got a little thrill nonetheless!


  • At 5:54 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, you'll appreciate this (but I'm not sure if anyone else will). And this relates to my post about concerts:
    1 night, my friend Danny and I went to see Clarence Clemmons and the Red Bank Rockers at this cool little club called "My Fathers Place" in Roslyn, NY. (pretty close to home) Anyway, we stayed for the first set and at one point, Clarence changed reeds on his saxaphone and threw the old one down. I picked it up (yeah...kinda gross but it's the Big Man!) and kept it in my pocket. After the first set, Danny and I went out for fresh air. We didn't realize that once you left the were out. There's no coming back in unless you want to pay again. Well, we had no gas, and no money to spare, so we went around back to where we parked. Who was back there sitting on his car? Clarence! One of his roadies made a McDonalds run and Clarence was sitting on the hood of his car eating a big mac!! So of course we went over to him and he was so cool. He signed my reed, and he said: "Are you guys leaving?!" We explained that we couldn't get back in but we really enjoyed the show. He said something like: "Just come in with me!" So...he led us in thru the back stage and we thanked him and watched the rest of the show. Cool, right?! Plus..I still have that reed!
    Other sightings: I worked in NYC for about 7 years so I've seen so many celebs. Plus, I work in political realm so I get to meet a lot of politicians. Nothing comes close to being as cool as my Clarence close encounter!

  • At 6:32 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    How cool is that!!!! The Big man eating a Big Mac.. Love that he got you back into the show too. Bill has a couple playlists from Warren Zevon and had him sign his old falling apart t-shirt with a skull on the front. He also got a couple guitar pics from him. Oh yeah, I walked right beside Andre the Giant (hello lady) at a hotel in Connecticut.. He was HUGE but kind of broken down looking and not at all friendly.. I was like "Andre!!" and he sort of growled. Burst my bubble :(

  • At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I see Ray Bourge all the time...He lives one town over. At Stop and Shop he was infront of me in the 12 items or less line..Funny that Stephen had his hockey jacket on and it said RAF 77 that is Uncle Rays #. (we call him that b/c M has an uncle Ray nad Stephen tought we were talking about Ray B once when we were in fact talking about Uncle Ray Capone) So it has always been Uncle Ray. He was nice but he is quiet and to himself. My friends son was on the same team as his son at Masco HS and Ray stood all alone b/c he was not one for hype. I saw him in BABW in Feb. and was like wow...The two gals were from out of state that I was working with and had no idea why I was excited to have him in the store. They tought I thought he was a good looking guy and both said M was way cuter than I was like NO HE IS FAMOUS but did not want to look star struck in front of a paying BABW He got dimples the black bear and put sunglasses and the Bruins outfit on it...He wouldn;t break down and spend $3.00 on the stick and puck,,,,lol I still get excited when I see him being a hockey mom and all and Stephen sporting his # for 10 years now.....Stephie

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i think Jane Curtain is a great celebrity siting!!

    how come you've never seen Steven Tyler, he lives right near you!!! Kenny's sister Jessica was in the store "contempo" in the South Shore Plaza and he was in there shopping for women's slutty jeans!! so she was talking to him for a while about the jeans he was

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I don't know why I've never seen him, but my old neighbor used to do landscaping for Joe Perry who gave him a huge swingset that used to be his kids... So I sighted a celebrity swingset!

  • At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ask Norma but once in ER at Jordan/Plymouth she cked in Steve Tyler and his wife if I recall the story.....or one of the Aroesmith guys.....I don;t knwo names b/c I don't know good music remember,,,

  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Oh, yes, my "other" brush with celebrity was a few yrs. ago, one Sat. afternoon in radiology...Billie Perry, wife of Joe, came in to get an ankle xray and Joe was with her. He was very low-key, and you could tell he was totally DIGGING that we all knew who he was, but he also gave the vibe that he didn't want to talk about it. He is TINY in least an inch shorter than I am, and probably 140 lbs. soaking wet. Kept his sunglasses on the whole time, too.

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    On photo jobs I've met Bill Cosby and Oprah (and Steadman) Bill and Oprah were very nice. Also Henny Younman and Ray Charles.
    This is probably a New York thing, but I coach CYO basketball and one of the other coaches is from Fox and Friends. Fox News Channel's morning show. His name is Brian Kilmead. Also, another coach is Gary Baldinger. He used to play pro football for the Bills. I've met senators and mayors too. They're boring.

  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Well, Helloooo, Bill Cosby and Oprah are pretty huge!!!

    Bill enjoyed the story about Clarence and the Big Mac and said he also had a couple playlists from Springsteen too!
    Norma, I remember your post about meeting Joe Perry.. didn't realize he was so short and slight!

    I remember when Bill Murray was doing a movie in Plymouth and I was hoping to run into him,, but I didn't.

    Ray Bourke is always cool to see.

  • At 5:51 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    When I was in NYC for day trips I saw Mark Gastinau(big woop)
    and John Cryer
    John was in Penn Station a few feet away from a grp of us after the Macys Thanksgiving day parade.(1989?)I wished we could've spoken to him, but there was no way we could move!!!!!!!!!
    Oh, and I saw Linda Lucci from that soap apera while working out in the hamptons at a jewelry store as a visual artist.
    She was looking at the Tiffany jewelry for a gift...
    I didn't really care to meet her-

  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i also saw Nat (the owner of the peach pit on 90210) when i was having lunch with Kenny in Beverly Hills on the Sunset Strip. That same day we bought a star map (shows you all the celebrity's homes) and we went to ozzy osborne's took pictures out front and we saw all of their little doggies running around their driveway.


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