So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, March 09, 2007

28 in March!

Happy Birthday to Jessica who turns 28 today! She was my first niece, and my very own little doll to play with. As she got older, she was my little buddy and went everywhere with me, to the mall, CVS, out for walks. My sister always let me take her everywhere and I give her lots of credit for trusting me so much. She used to sit in the basement and watch "This old House" with us when she was about 5. She was so excited to stay up and watch the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video and when she saw it she was scared to death! She had such an adult sense of humor as a kid and was just so much fun to be with. She brought joy to all of our lives and on her 28th birthday, I wish her JOY, PEACE, and LOVE..and a wonderful year ahead! Much Love to our Jessica... Auntie Karen


  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    thank you auntie k!!!!! i have tons of awesome bday memories with you and the rest of our family. not too many other little girls got to have such a young huge family to live with!

    i'm very sick today though. i think its the flu (from overworking and people coming in to get a massage while their sick). so i just had to call in sick to work. kenny has reservations at a really nice restaurant that overlooks the city so i hope i'm up to it later on. i'm drinking my cranberry juice right now so i'll have energy.

    oh and by the way, i'm feeling my little boy kick like a maniac since yesterday!!!!!!!! i also got to hear his heartbeat again last night and it was VERY strong and VERY fast!

    love to all my blogging buddies!

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    That is so great.. the fast and furious kicker! Maybe the next Vinateri?!!!!

    Sorry you aren't feeling well, but good that you called in. Rest up and go enjoy that birthday dinner!

    I'm off to the gym.. I can't shake this exhaustion.. hope the weights will help. Chaperoning Billy's march madness dance til 11!

  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Happy Birthday, Jess!

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    auntie, hope you had fun at the march madness give us the scoop was there any 13 year olds being totally inappropriate?

    oh and i'm feeling a little better today, the fever is gone, but my cough is worse, but I am able to function. we're going to register today at babys r' us!!

    thanks drew!

  • At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Bothday to ABW JESS! That is so sweet of your AUNTIE K ...Sounds like so much fun then and now when you come back to MA...
    Hope you were feeling up to a b-day dinner....Awesome that the little guy is kicking away.....Stephie


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