So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I don't like the cold anymore. (Did I ever?) It has been frigid every morning. I've been driving the kids to the bus stop for crying out loud! Two girls got in my car and they didn't have winter coats on.. Hello.. its 6 degrees outside. STUPID.

Yesterday, I got Matthew out of school at 11 o'clock to go and get his dental impressions and x-rays. He feels better about the braces since a couple of his friends have told him that they need them too. It was SOOO cold down by the waterfront where we went for lunch afterwards. It was really nice having Matthew all to myself, and talking with him. He's a great kid.

As I was telling Norma today, I have been torn because he doesn't want to play a spring sport. He has always played baseball, but it is so corrupt in our town.. the teams are handpicked and there is so much pressure to win and go to the allstars that he just doesn't want to play anymore. Pretty sad when youth sports is all about winning for the coaches, isn't it? He doesn't care for soccer and was going to try Lacrosse, but isn't really interested and it is expensive to play and to buy the equipment. I think he just wants a break. Just last week when we were rushing somewhere he told me that he doesn't have any time to just be a kid. I guess I need to listen to that and give him a break.

Clocks ahead this weekend everyone! AND it's supposed to warm up!


  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i agree, i don't think matt should have to play a sport every season. i always did and i never got any of my work done and could never get up in the morning. is there some other activity he could try afterschool if he wanted to, like some sort of club or something?

  • At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is so bad when youth sports are no longer fun...too bad that he sees it and scrnces it, maybe the break will do him good and get him to do the kid things. That is so good that you won;t force him like some diehard parents....Stephie

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger melissa said…

    Wow,we have some crazed parents here too, w/ the sports and it makes it no fun for anyone-We weren't going to do basketball b/c last year was horrible,BUT we had a better coach and team this yr so it was worth it!
    Anthony was undecided about baseball, then he decided to try-We got to the tryouts and a great coach picked him-his first parent meeting REALLY put the parents in their place, so I'm crossing my fingers that it will be a good season...
    Thats good that your son knows his limits and won't just join for the sake of joining!I'm sure we'll have a season to sit out one of these years LOL!

  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    It's really good that the 2 of you got some time alone to talk. I try to do that with my kids...but it isn't always easy.
    I think it's cool that he recognizes that he needs some down time. I love sports, but I really appreciate the time I have between basketball and baseball. We don't have to have plans every night...or every weekend. We can just let whatever happen, happen. I hate being over-scheduled! And as for the coaches that are all about winning, I say: Get a life.


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