So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Notes from a Delinquent Blogger....

I don't know where the time has gone :) No, seriously, I just have had nothing to blog about. Pretty pathetic. I've also been a serious GYMaholic. I feel pretty good. I forgot what it was like to actually move your body. Remember, I have a job that you sit on your rump at the computer for 4-5 hours at a time with things in your ears.

I had my fitness profile done yesterday. I was very nervous about it because I thought I'd be a lost cause. I was pretty much fit to excellent in every category (well, fit to excellent within the 40-49 year old age bracket) so I'm not that great. I need work on my back flexibility and I want to bring my body fat percentage down a notch. Chocolate, be gone from thy household!

In other news, Matthew is going next week for his x-rays and fitting for his braces. He is really depressed about getting them. He thinks he's going to be ugly. I told him he could never ever be ugly. He thinks the kids are going to call him names.. so what, I said. Tell them "yeah, well you're ugly" (haha.. I didn't really tell him that but I was tempted).

I had a spaz attack the other night when making meatballs. I put everything in the bowl, breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, egg, spices, a little water, a little milk, then added the beef. Well, I'm mixing it up and there were all these little hard white things that I was pulling out. What the heck? They were fairly sharp and pointy. I'm thinking, bones? Are there bones in my beef? Did bones get into the grinder. So I pulled these little things out and called the supermarket.. "I think there are bone fragments in the ground beef I bought" Geez, she says, bones don't get anywhere near the grinder...can you bring it in and we'll give you a refund? But of course. But there goes dinner. So I took out the ground turkey, popped it in the microwave and got another bowl ready. In goes the breadcrumbs, egg, cheese, milk.. then I go to add the turkey. As I'm mixing it up, there they are again!!!! BONES??????? Am I losing my mind? Have these always been there and I haven't noticed? Matthew walks in from school and hears me talking out loud and says "let me see".. Mom, that looks like cheese.

Cheese. Grated parmesan cheese. I bought a new kind of freshly grated parmesan cheese and it was hard and pointy.

After I fell on the floor laughing my *** off at my foolishness I cooked up those turkey meatballs and we all ate dinner. Too bad the first batch ended up in the trash. Oh yes, in the midst of my laughter, I called back the supermarket (anonymously of course) to relay that there were not, in fact, bones in the beef.

Did you miss me?


  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen...what the heck...?
    Well you're back. Better late than never!
    What do they do for that fitness thing? Get the pinch-o-fatty to pinch my love handles? How does all that work?

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    you win the spaz of the day award for that one!!!!!!!! cheese bones!!!!!!! you are a major goof!!!!!!!! sounds like the time i called the hyundai dealer so i could get a new windshield because mine was cracked down the middle.....only to discover on my way to the dealer that it was sap making the windshield look broken! then i had to explain that the the repair man...totally embarassing....

    matt could never be ugly, he is one of the most handsome kids i know...and he's my cousin, so how could he be ugly!

    i'm having name stress..........please give me some normal suggestions....

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 6:23 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Andrew (shameless self promotion)

    wait...what's your ethnicity, Jess.

  • At 6:23 PM, Blogger Drew said…


  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Karen said…


    Jess, we'll have name discussions but I think it will just come to you and you will start thinking of the baby in that name...

    Drew, they take this calliper and pinch the fat on your tricep (and you can't tighten it up!) then they take a pinch of the fat over your hip and then they take a pinch over your quadriceps. They use the whole formula to calculate your percentage of body fat. Your body is water, lean protein and fat. Mine was not bad, per se.. I just want it better.. as I said, no more chocolate for awhile, or nacho dip, or cheese and crackers.... or ice cream sundaes... or shall I go on?

  • At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have me cracking up...I tought it was the little pieces of fat from the ....but CHEESE! that is a good one...
    Tell him that all kids these days have braces.....I think they look cute after a while...Stephen has his and I was more sad then he was now I got used to them.
    Awesome about the GYM stuff u go girl....
    We did miss you....lots....
    Hey the bist name on Drews list is STEPHEN lol lol lol
    glad to hear u r back....
    Jess you may just see the baby when he is born and the name will fit the face and you will say so that is his name,.....Stephie

  • At 6:48 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Steph, I love that idea about waiting, but that is soooo not our Jessica.. She ( and she will agree) is the most IMPATIENT person ever!!!! She wants to know this name right now! Right, Jess :)

  • At 6:50 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Jess, what about my first trip to the carwash and the guy told me to put it into neutral.. and I said '"Oh, I don't have neutral, this is an automatic"..HAHAHAHAAHHHAAAA!!
    He was like "OF COURSE you have neutral.. everyone has neutral.. but all I could think of was Bill's truck (a standard) and how he would always have me put it in neutral... DUH!

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    drew...i love Dylan! (kenny thinks its too 90210...but i'm gonna work on him)...andrew is a nice name too...i'll think about it! lol.... i am 1/4 irish, 1/4 italian, 1/4 french canadian and 1/4 english...kenny is mostly italian, scottish, french, irish and german. (we're officially american!)

    stephie, auntie k is right, i am totally impatient and will not be able to wait to at least come up with a solid list of names....i even conceived before our wedding because i was so impatient!!!!! lol

    auntie, you are a total spaz with the car wash story...hahahaha!!!!! i'm really proud of you with the working out! just keep it up....remember its all about health..not about the booty...hahahaha...

  • At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You don't have neutral...U r so funny......That is better than bones in the the carwash guy must of told all his co-workers lol Stephie

  • At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Milkduds anyone!!!

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said… duds.......lolololololol....auntie really are a spaz, but that's why we love you so much!

  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I know it.. good thing I love to laugh!


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