So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Under the weather....

Each day I've been thinking that my sore throat would get a little better.."Oh, I'll feel better tomorrow"... It wasn't that bad, just sore, irritated and hurt when I swallowed.. but not really any other symptoms other than general fatigue but I thought if I just kept working out, then I'd beat it.

Well, after a sweaty night of tossing turning and feeling just plain lousy, I called my doc and got an appointment today. The rapid strep came back POSITIVE... so I'm on a z-pack and hopefully will feel better by tomorrow. The beauty of it is that when I came home I gave myself permission to have some soup, a cup of tea and curl up in Bill's favorite lazy-boy chair and watch movies! I watched GARDEN STATE (pretty weird), a life-time for women movie about a white southern grandmother meeting her black grandaughter after a car accident, and Thin Air - about Mount Everest. I haven't felt this relaxed since.......?

Anyway, HI to everyone.. I'll be back and kicking sometime soon...


  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Hey Karen. I was just wondering where the heck you've been. That's a bummer about your throat, but the antibiotics should have you feeling better in a day or so. You know you have it bad when it comes up positive so quickly! Try: Little Miss Sunshine...Garden State is a little to depressing and introspective for someone with Strep. Also: "About a Boy" always make me feel better. Tomorrow night, treat yourself to some Baskin Robbins. 1 scoup of chocolate chip, one scoup of french vanilla, hot fudge, whipped cream. That's the RX from Dr. Drew (not the love lines guy!) ;p Feel Better!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Karen said… cream! I'm dying to see little miss sunshine, but I already got Must Love Dogs and Ali (with Will Smith) out from the library.. have you seen either?
    Unfortunately, I HAVE to go into the office tomorrow because someone is out, but I cancelled out on my Bunco friends and plan on scoopin some ice cream and chillin when I get home. Thanks for the well wishes, doc!

  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    That's where we get our videos! (the library's price is right!) Krissy bought Must Love Dogs and we loved it. Maybe because it had a Newfoundland in it named "Mother Teresa" Or possibly because it had Diane Lane. Yeah...that's definitely it. Oh yeah, Lloyd Dobler is in it too.

    ps. haven't seen Ali.

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    oh my goodness auntie!!! i can't believe you have strep! what's up with that????? working out with strep is definitely no good, i played hockey with strep in high school and got it 3 more times that season because it was living in my hockey gloves....ewwwww..... feel better and enjoy the relaxing....

    by the way the movie Garden State is soooooooooo weird, we watched it on the way back from hawaii...kenny was like "what was the point of that movie?...."

    i just finished a good library book....(i love the library!) it was "gabriel's angel" by nora roberts...have you read it?

  • At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Karen....Get better soon...U poor thing...I hope the z-pack kicks thoses bactrias away....
    The libry/ is a great place for vids our lib is under renovations so we have to go way across town to a warehouse to get anything for two years. I loved goin to the center of town but now it is like warehouse trip four miles away. We can't wait for it to be done.
    Have a great Friday Night hangin and getting better...Stephie

  • At 7:01 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Never had strep-Sounds baaaaaaad
    Hope your feeling better-I always wondered about Garden State...thx for the warning!
    z-pac sounds like a rapper haha!


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