So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, April 09, 2007

Seasonal mix up?

This morning Matthew announced to me that it was warmer on Christmas than it was on Easter! Wow. It is still in the chilly 40s although at least the sun is shining, but it really needs to warm up to the 60 degrees that I'm longing for.

I remember when we wore shorts on April vacation, and Easter dresses with sandals and no sleeves.. The good ol' days.

Easter was fabulous yesterday. Although I had insomnia and was up typing medical reports at 4:30 a.m. Easter Sunday. I figured I was wide awake, why not get some OT?
Went to the 8:00 mass which was completely packed and we sat up in the balcony and watched from up high. My brother Ed, sister-in-law, Davina, and their 4 kids (Michael, Avery, Alex, and Emma) and my sister-in-law Karen all came over for a very relaxed day! No stress.. All the kids helped chop the salad up.. it was really funny that they all wanted in on the chopping. We had lasagne, meatballs, salad and bread and after had a small cake for Matt since his b-day is Wednesday. He was thrilled. The kids are all now at the age where they can walk down to hte beach by themselves and to me this is so cool. Where did the time go. My only complaint is that they live an hour away and we really don't get to hang out as much as I'd like (right D?)...

I was in my jammies at 6 and after watching the Amazing Race (where Joyce and Uchenna were eliminated) I was promptly asleep by 9:30.

Have a great Monday :) I have to get back to the gym this week.....


  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Hey Karen. Sounds like a fun Easter. I worked late Saturday night. I don't think we chilled out 'til about 12:30am. Krissy had about 7 friends over too so it was a little loud. But we got up in time for the 8:30 service. The music (worship) was amazing. They had the entire choir and orchestra up there, which they don't always have. As we sand "holy holy holy" it almost felt like we were singing with the angels. I actually got choked up...thinking what Jesus went through for our sins. Anyway...we stopped off at the bakery and got goodies and italian bread and had spagetti and meatballs with Nancy's amazing sauce. The kids got "Webkinz" in their homemade Easter baskets. Do you guys know about Webkinz...or is that a Massapequa phenomonom? After, we went to my sisters for dessert and hung out and had a lot of laughs...watched the mets lose in Atlanta and watched the snow out the window. Crazy, right? I cannot wait for spring to arrive! I also remember wearing no jackets on Easter... This snow flurries thing is getting old. I'm gonna prank call Al Gore! :p
    Wow..I rambled here. I should've done my own post rather than clog up yours, Karen!

  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Sounds like a wonderful day.. No idea about Webkinz, you'll have to fill me in on those! I just did their traditional baskets with a $15 itunes gift card. It's Bill's job to hide the baskets in the house (he came up with this hide the basket thing when the kids were little..We just used to wake up to our baskets in front of the mantel in the living room.. his Easter Bunny hid the baskets so we used his thing.. they've been everywhere from tubs to closets to behind furniture.. Even though they know that WE are the Easter Bunny (finally) it's still fun to hide them. Fist year of not doing eggs which I forgot about. I can't believe you saw snow.. I would've cried! How was your photography gig?

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    It went really well. 150 Italians and me (one Irish Mick!) I think I'm still tired! I have about 600 pictures to edit. I've gone through them once and deleted almost 100. I have to do things like exposure correction, red eye, cropping etc. It takes a few days. I love the way they came out though.

  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    auntie, sounds like you had fun yesterday and i'll work on sending you some sunshine and warm weather!

    drew...150 italians and one it!

    i think i got a spider bite on my eye while at home depot yesterday, my whole eye is swollen and looks like i was punched. i originally thought i got a random pimple there and noticed it on the ride home from home depot because i scratched my eyebrow and it hurt. if it gets worse tomorrow i'll call the doc. what's with me and eye problems?!

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Why would a spider randomly fall on you and bite you? Poor Jess.. How was your Easter dinner?

  • At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow...sounded like good times....ofr all of you.
    My nepews/neice got the webkins thingys..I had to ask don't feel bad Karen.
    I asked the boys about the eggs..Last year we did not b/c we were in FL and it was a no this year..I guess too
    EB hopped on over w/ books and magazines....We always since they were littel had a thing on Easter w/ books and an out door toy since it is spring...Well maybe NOT! It was so cold wind chill felt like a winter storm. YUCK>>I am fed up......Off to FL in 3 days baby! So I will take the sun up north or try......Have a great night...Stephie

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Stupid Home Depot random Spiders!


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