So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What day is this?

That's how I feel this week.. I've been working double duty. My old friends in the Mammography Department called upon me for some help doing reception duties and hanging films for the radiologists so I've been working 4 hours from home and going into the hospital and doing 4 hours in there.. Today was my last day of it, plus I did 3 hours OT in transcription last night because we are very behind in reports. I love working with the girls in the department so it all worth it - we have a lot of laughs in between patients.. come to think of it, I even like the patients! I guess I really am a people person and in a couple years when Matt's in junior high I will definitely find a job more complementary to my personality! Other than that, same old, same old... The new season of The Shield on FX started last night. Bill and I just watched it.. and it was depressing. I'll give it a couple more episodes and then might have to dump it like we did with 24.. Who needs to watch tv for more stress.

Billy leaves for his class trip to Washington in a few weeks.. yikes.. I'll need all your therapy that week, friends! How bout this weather, huh? It stinks. I wore gloves today. I was sad. I came home from work famished (I designated this "fend for yourselves night") and ate the weirdest assortment of food before I had to bring Matt to guitar lessons (and a visit to the library).. Ended up taking a couple tums to settle me down. Billy even told me to stop eating.. must be the weather!
So, what day is this, anyway?


  • At 5:59 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    I think it's Wednesday but I'm confused too because I stayed home. Wait, I's definitely Wednesday because I put the recyclables out tonight.
    It's frickin' freezing here too. Rainy and 41 degrees. Yuck. No wonder I'm sick. I feel like I've swallowed a knife. I think the fever's gone though so back to work tomorrow. I finished a redesign of a website that I've been hired to do, so that's good. I have a photo job Saturday night so another good. Wait...this was your post and I started talking about me. So...job for a people person: Taxi, that's not you. Walmart Greeter. jk
    You write well...what about movie reviewer?
    "Karen & Roeper"
    We'd watch it.

  • At 7:26 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    hahaha...nothing can be weirder than what i ate for dinner.....corn bread, soba noodles with veggies a few handfuls of honey bunches of oats cereal and a few slices of cheese......

    glad you're done with your crazy work schedule and you can come back to blogging!

  • At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lol lol Drew/////
    Maybe woould be great K...........the one near you...
    We had so much snow here the boys had to shovel after hockey practice which took an hour and 14 mins to get home is normally 20 mins max,,,,ugh,....
    WOW lots of cash comin your way K with all the hours////U GO GIRL!
    SO glad you like to socialize ..meee tooo.....
    I hear ya about the Washington Trip....UGH to that.....Our school fased it out of the 8th grade circlm. I was sad b/c I had the BEST time in 8th grade there...Just let us know when you need some cheerin up.....Stephie

  • At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jess that is one weird dinner...arn't you picky...LOL LOL LOL LOL S

  • At 4:35 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I don't think I'd be too friendly as a people greeter at Walmart because some of those people going in there are too SCARY!! I'd be hiding and :) (I'm so mean..)

    Sounds like things are looking up for Drew if someone would just pull the knife out of his throat! Rest, sleep, and be cranky, for tomorrow you may be better!

    Jess, my combo was weirder than that.. I had a grilled turkey and cheese on a raisin bagel, then two handfuls of peanut butter puffins, a walnut and fig desert yogurt from Hannafords and some fig newtons.. I just couldn't stop!!!! Although your soba noodles sound much more interesting..

    BABW could be me, Steph! But I don't know how much patience I have!

  • At 5:00 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    My son is going to Washington too-but not till June He's super excited, but Peter said he's going with him, so now I'm not worried...
    Sorry for your weather
    I'm eating a leftover burrito for breakfast is that wierd?

  • At 5:46 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I had a PB&J for breakfast yesterday. I actually have that like once a week. I've been having that forever.'s snowing out my office window! ugh!

  • At 6:15 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Hmmm. Mel, leftover burrito.. I don't know.. I was never one who could eat cold pizza or anything other than breakfast for breakfast. But I can easily to breakfast for dinner.

    Now, Drew, if you toasted the sandwich it could officially count as breakfast.

  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Can everyone tell that I just don't feel like working today?

  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Who does...?
    But at least tomorrow's Friday. Anything cool planned for the weekend?

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Just super glad its the weekend.. kids are off tomorrow.. Bill and Matt are heading up North for a few nights (matt's friend is going too). I want to stay home and clean my house (fun) and watch more movies (Lake House and Love Comes Softly- more library takes) and I think I will take Billy out to dinner tonight. Probably visit the parental units on Saturday. My brother,sister-in-law and 4 kids are coming for Easter dinner along with Bill's sister, Karen.. So pretty much relaxing and enjoying Easter weekend. I'd absolutely LOVE to see/feel some sunshine.. and you?


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