So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, March 30, 2007

Once again its FRIDAY!

Woke up and dragged my sick self into work, which wasn't at all bad except my voice was continally getting worse as the day went on. I had lunch with a couple girlfriend's and spent most of the morning "rounding" with our supervisor. Rouding is when management has to sit with each employee for a few minutes and ask questions such as "what do you like most about your job" and foolish questions like that. Dale and I mostly talked about his wonderful family and how he came from Michigan and joined the marines at age 17 and went to Vietnam and about his wife's relatives from Italy. Much fun! Love Dale! I killed about an hour with rounding.

Left work and stopped at Hannafords to grab something for dinner and an elderly gentleman stopped me to tell me that I looked nice. Nicest thing I heard all day, especially when my friend told me that my eyes were droopy and I looked exhausted (all right, when he saw me I had my cool sunglasses on).. but still, kind of made my day.

Has anyone had a chance to watch Planet Earth on The Discovery Channel. It's on Sunday nights from 8-9 but there are many repeats on. Its a must see with never before seen shots of animals and places that I'll probably never ever see. They slow-mo-ed this great white eating a seal off the coast of South Africa.. biggest scariest shark I ever saw...(I never ever want to go to South Africa as well as Australia). Anyway, check it out... I'm off to put my comfy clothes on. I cancelled my Bunco for tonight and will have pizza and watch Ali (love Will Smith so it better be goo) and go to bed early.

Have a great Friday Night Ya'll.....


  • At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey I got in and put on my comfy clothes too....ANd
    That was nice that you got the compiment from the man....Sweet.
    Enjoy your night in........I know I am lookin forward to it...Stephie

  • At 4:18 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Rounding...sounds interesting. I can kind of see that being a good thing. Not in an "Office Space" kind of way.

    Interesting about the old gent. He gave you a nice compliment even though you didn't feel that you looked your best. And it gave you a little boost...or at least a smile. I think that sometimes, God will put someone in your path at weird random times to let you know that He loves you. That even though your throat hurts, and you need sleep and feel like crap, you're so valuable to Him that He know's the number of hairs on your head. Cool shades or not, He see's your heart.
    Anyway that's what I would take away from that...

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    ...oh, I did see a clip of Planet Earth with the jumping Great Whites nibbling on the seals. Wow!
    I just got my sweats on and my quilt and I'm ready to chillax for "Treat Night" which is what we call Friday nights. We have snacks, play games, kels and I just played guitars, and we're watching The Shaggy Dog (from the library!) and the kids get to stay up as late as they want. They flop on the floor or the couch or wherever they want to sleep. I have baseball @ 8:30 tomorrow morning, the Tom's award ceremony @10:30, and Andy's baseball@2. So...busybusy but good things! Enjoy your weekend: Y'all...or the plural All Ya'll! :p

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    sorry you still aren't feeling good auntie froggy....hehehe

    the women in our family do have the gift of gab so i'm not shocked that you got to semi-enjoy your weird rounding session....hehehe....

    i'm gonna tivoe planet earth because i keep hearing about it, but it it fuels my fear of sharks that's a risk i'll have to take.


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