So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Off to the Capital!

Well, Billy's gone. We got up at 5 a.m. Bill had made a pumpkin bread with cream cheese last night for a quick breakfast. I was awake all night long listening to the wind and worrying about my child being on a bus in this weather. The rain had mostly stopped by the time we got to the meeting point. Matt came along snuggled in a blanket to see his brother off. The excitement on all the kids faces was enough to break my solemn mood. They were all so happy and I watched as Billy took a window seat, next to his friend since 2nd grade, and he looked so grown up.

We drove home, put on the coffee, and Matt fell promptly asleep on the living room sofa. What a feeling... I miss him already yet I'm so happy for him and can't wait til he comes home full of stories and excitement.

We had a good laugh together yesterday, of course because of a mom spaz.
He wanted to borrow a book from a friend at school, Julia, to take to read on the bus. I had gone to buy him some snacks and on the way home called the house and told him to call her as I was going right by their house. All set.. I knocked on the door and 2 twin boys and their younger sister answered and I explained that I was Matt and Billy T's mother and Billy wanted to borrow a book from Julia. "Oh, she's not home right now but we can look for it for you".. I'm thinking "Didn't he just call her".. Well these sweet boys searched the house and tried calling on the cell phone to their mom but no answer... They took down my number and said they would be sure to call when they got home, which should be soon. Came home and told Billy what happened. WRONG JULIA!!! He was so embarrassed... But I only knew of this one Julia, he never talked about another Julia.. so he had a good laugh... :)


  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    What a good kid.. He just called to tell us that he is in Connecticut and everything's going great!

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    wrong julia!!!!!!!!! you are the ultimate spaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mmmm...pumpkin bread and cream cheese!!!!!!

    i hope he has a blast...i had so much fun on my new york trip when i was in 8th grade...and of course i had a cast on my arm because i always had a broken arm.

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    He called again from New Jersey at the rest stop.. Now they just go straight on through to DC!

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Nerdy mom!
    We'll be praying for a safe trip!

  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope Billy has a great trip. Kellianne is going next month. She's excited too. Actually, a bit off the wall. I went as a chaperone 2yrs ago when Sean went. It's amazing to watch these kids. They were all in awe of the things they saw and understood the meaning and had some serious conversations about the monuments and memorials, especially the Vietnam Veterans memorial wall. All from a bunch of 13 yr olds. He will learn alot and hopefully have lots of fun.

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    have you heard from billy again?? how's the trip going and how are you handling your half-empty nest?

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    I'm handling it ok.. can't wait for him to come home...


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