So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


That's me, growling. What a stinkin rotten day I had (for the most part). I went into work (like the good doobie that I am) because of a sick call. I was very pleasant this morning and chatty to the other girl in the office who also chatted back about what we did for Easter, etc. etc. Halfway through the morning she blurts out in an angry voice "so what's going on with everyone undermining me in the office?" I'm like "excuse me?".. You have to know first off that she's nuts. The full time girls don't like her at all..It's nothing you can put your finger on.. she's just annoying and somewhat crazy. I had always felt bad for her and always went out of my way to include her in conversations because that's just the way I am.. Well, she went on to say that she knows everyone makes fun of her, blah, blah, blah.. Well, I pretty much told her straight out that I don't have a problem with her, and that if she has a problem with other people she needs to confront them and NOT ME. I told her that I'm only in there once a week, and I don't want or need any of this nonsense. It was a very uncomfortable, weird conversation and I'm still feeling weird about it. I can totally understand why no one wants to work with her.. This is the side I haven't seen. Don't go feeling bad for her because she gets right under your skin....anyway, after lunch she is all super nice and psycho to me.. I couldn't wait to get out of there.... then on the way home I checked my home phone messages. It was Matt's CCD teacher who was sick and needed a sub. So I called and said I would sub (total last minute, nothing prepared but I love kids so I figured I would wing it).. There were 3 boys including Matt and 3 girls. All of the kids were great except for this one boy who was totally and completely rude and was making strange noises and putting rosary beads on his head and poking the other boy. I spoke to him stearnly but nicely (I know his parents and he plays football with Matt). I told him to please be respectful when other people are talking, and that we would be courteous to him when he is talking.. and that it was BAD MANNERS to talk and make noise when the other kids (who were being so good and were volunteering information and being cute) were speaking. Well he shut up for like 5 seconds and then I just lost it and went over and told him to stand up, I put his chair right next to mine, and told him that he was 11 years old and that he shouldn't behave like a 2 year old and that I wasn't there to babysit him. The other kids all looked at me like I lost it, but I calmly said "go ahead, Jessica, pick up where Laura left off. He shut the hell up for a little while and actually thanked me for subbing at the end of class. What the heck.....??????? I don't think they'll be calling me back to sub.. In fact, I hope not! Grrrrrrrr..... P.s. Matt didn't mind that I lost it.. he said the kid is like this every week.


  • At 5:43 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    2nd thing first:
    Matt not minding it at all probably means that all the kids there want someone to shut the brat up. Like..."finally!"
    Andy calls that type, "trouble makers". The kind of kid that acts out for attention. They screw up the whole pace of the class.
    Crazy Office Lady sounds like garden variety bi-polar. Or maybe it was low blood sugar b4 lunch? Either way, she soounds coocoo for cocopuffs and not somebody that I would like to work with everyday. It's good that you can work from home and not have to deal w/her all the time. You went right at her though...better than me. I'd be like: "whatever dude" and put headphones on. I'm an 'avoider'. I hate that weird feeling in my stomach after an uncomfortable conversation. Grrr...Tuesday for you. Wednesday will be better.

  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    lol....i agree with drew that the office wacko sounds bi-polar, we have a girl who i think is bi-polar too and i try to avoid any interaction with her at all costs, kind of hard when we're doing a couples massage and she's making mean faces!

    there is always one bad egg in every CCD class....that boys mother would probably be mortified if she knew how he acted towards you.

    in my confirmation ccd class the teachers son (my neighbor) was always being rude and questioning the teachings....turns out he's now a buddhist and emailed me not too long ago on myspace to apolgize for being rude to me all the years he lived accross the street.....some people do change!

  • At 3:34 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks guys.. all of this also occurred with the other two girls in the office out because of sad reasons.. one had a miscarriage over the weekend, the other one was in the ER possibly having a miscarriage.. so I think my emotions were on overload yesterday. I think the thing that got to me with bipolar cocoa puff was that I am always so CONSCIOUSLY nice to her.. the other girls are constantly telling me how awful she is to work with and the one girl that goes in there full time just begged the Director last week to be able to work from home. So.. maybe it just doesn't pay to be nice to crazies!
    I'm not too confrontational either, but she was very accusatory towards me and it just pushed my buttons.. so I'm kind of glad that I went at her.. at least now I'm aware of the situation..

    As for the boy, I had another football mother tell me to never let him over my house (he was over once when Matt was younger and was a little loud but not rude).. this mother said that he called her a fat pig because she made him sit down for lunch.... So..I think his mother is aware of his behavior but I honestly think he might have some special needs.. I mean it was ridiculous to have to put up with that. He shouldn't even be in the class in the first place. I just think my tolerance for people like this is not what it used to be! But thanks for the vent.. I slept great last night :)

  • At 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also agree that there is always one or two depenfing on the kids. I have been teaching R/E(rel.ed) aka CCD (LOL) fro about 7 years almost 8 and have found the one who does those things needs attention and does not care if it is neg or pos. So sad. I think that was great you stepped up and hey you were in charge not him....
    As for psyco least you don;t have to see her everyday. Yuck to Have a Wonderful Wednesday......Half way to the weekend...Stephie

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    oh, auntie, that's so sad that your friend had a miscarriage :( i guess that's why some people don't announce their pregnancies until they are past 3 months. i hope the other one is okay.

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Karen, never have I been so glad as to be "retired" from that place!!! Well, you'll keep us entertained with stories...sorry about your crappy day! Happy Bday, Matt! April 11th is a great day to be born. : )


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