So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm Lovin it!

and not McDonald's either! I'm just loving this balmy weather we had today! I feel like a new person.. Got up super early and worked, then went to the gym where I did the "Body Tone" (torture) class. She did circuits of push ups (ha!) squats and lunges, then abs with the yoga boat pose that we had to hold for 24 seconds.. It was really hard, but later when I took the boys for a bike ride I noticed that I felt stronger.. hmmmm there must be something to this working out! tomorrow is Spin Class and swimming.. I just may be getting addicted. Sunday I did a hatha yoga class that kicked my butt. But.. I digress....

Billy is home safe and sound and had a great trip. His pictures were fun to look at and we all really missed our boy! Had a wonderful weekend just hanging out and had an impromptu gathering at my in-laws yesterday with their best friends. We all sat around and listened to the elder generation (late seventies) tell of growing up during the depression and rationing and war times. It was so interesting I could have listened to them all day. We really do have life easy and so much to be thankful for. I think that is why older people don't take as many risks with debt because they have been through such rough times. Great people...

Monday's down.. four more to go before the weekend. It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow but then back to 50s. Hope everyone saw the sun today!


  • At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    U r really doin great with the gym stuff...Kudos to u K.....
    Glad that Billy is safe at home. The family is off balence when one is away huh! So tru about the older folks. Yes the sun was wonderful, I really wish I lived in Fl or Carolinas...Most FL Celebration to be
    Enjoy the sun tom and pray for more of it.....Stephie

  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    wow auntie you're taking swimming?! that's great....swimming is so healthy for your joints, heart and muscles! i'm not a very good swimmer and when i had to take water polo in college as a requirement for my major i had asthma attacks on a daily basis!

  • At 3:13 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Jessie, I'm not really taking it, I just do laps (with flippers on cuz they use your legs more and make you go faster! and it's fun!) I'm very out of breath after going up and down just 6 times, so I'm trying to work on that. Some people are in there doing laps for an hour and they aren't even breathless. You know your mother and I always complain about our lung capacity! P.s. I didn't know you did water polo!!!

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    That's great that you're working out so much. Nancy and I really feel better when we get out there and run (or walk) You just feel better/stronger all day. It's in the 70's again today here on the Island. How is in in MA.?
    My mom and dad grew up in the depression, and they were soooo careful w/money. When we talk about 'cutting back' it's usually about the extras...not the essentials. When they talked about cutting back, they were talking about food.

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Weather isn't as nice as yesterday but I'll take it! I'm not wearing a coat so it's nice out.

    One of the conversations we had was when our friends mother died (he was the 2nd youngest of 8 kids and she died at age 35 from some infection that is completely curable today).. his "uncle" (who wasn't really an uncle took him back to Italy to take one of the kids off the father's hands. This little boy was five years old and taken away to live with strangers. He stayed til he was 10 and then came to live with his Aunt back in the US. Unimaginable..

    My mother is one of 10 and she was very poor but says that she didn't know it because she was happy.. which is a really nice thing. She only had one dress when she was dating my father and wore the same thing all the time.. He was out in the street selling papers at about 10 years old to give his mother the money.. It's just unreal.. and here I am with my fancy coffeemaker.. ...Oh God forgive me when I whine..

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Weather isn't as nice as yesterday but I'll take it! I'm not wearing a coat so it's nice out.

    One of the conversations we had was when our friends mother died (he was the 2nd youngest of 8 kids and she died at age 35 from some infection that is completely curable today).. his "uncle" (who wasn't really an uncle took him back to Italy to take one of the kids off the father's hands. This little boy was five years old and taken away to live with strangers. He stayed til he was 10 and then came to live with his Aunt back in the US. Unimaginable..

    My mother is one of 10 and she was very poor but says that she didn't know it because she was happy.. which is a really nice thing. She only had one dress when she was dating my father and wore the same thing all the time.. He was out in the street selling papers at about 10 years old to give his mother the money.. It's just unreal.. and here I am with my fancy coffeemaker.. ...Oh God forgive me when I whine..


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