So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Decaf Karen

It is day 3 of decaffeination. Bill suggested we go decaf so I was right on board. Today I have a slight headache but I don't feel too bad. I slept great last night. I did sneak in a cup of green tea in the afternoon.

I definitely don't feel the morning JOLT like I usually do.. but not too bad either. I'll check in later, if I'm not napping :)


  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    uncle billy is so funny with his yearly detoxes! isn't it usually during lent that he starts though?? green tea has loads of caffeine you cheater :)

  • At 8:48 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I know, but the antioxidents make up for that, right? Plus.. the headache......

    He gave up nothing for lent :)

  • At 9:11 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i guess its better to gradually give up the caffeine anyway...and green tea is definitely packed with antioxidants.

    i know what you mean about the headache, it will only be a few days though.

    so you're not drinking diet coke or any sort of soda? what about chocolate?

    did you give up anything for lent?

  • At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh poor K ....I hope the head pain goes away.....Yes tea has more than coffee.....I am not a coffee or really tea drinker so when I have an Iced coffee on a Thursday morning at 500am for truck day I go work they are like no stop drinking It makes me so hyper......
    I hope you get some hype w/out the caffine...Stephie

  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I hope it goes well for you! Glad to see you back. You asked for my blog address and here it is:

  • At 6:37 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Wait, so you got that cool coffee maker then quit caffine????????
    so wrong,so wrong...

  • At 7:13 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Mel, I'm still grinding those beans.. they just don't pack as much punch! I mixed a little Rainforest Nut in with my breakfast blend and it is so yummy!

    Jess, I don't believe in giving up something for Lent.. I think it's stupid.. I would rather try to be a better person, maybe nicer, try not to gossip or something along those lines. I don't think God really cares whether or not I each chocolate or have a glass of wine. but weirdly enough, I don't eat meat on Fridays! Tradition...

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    well i haven't given up anything for lent the past 3 years since i already don't eat agree with you, being a better person is more important than what you eat :)


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