So Anyway,

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

DreamGirls Review

Bill got 2 Red sox tickets last night and took Matt to the game so Billy and I watched the copy of Dreamgirls that my mother-in-law sent over.

It was good. Jamie Fox was great in it, Jennifer Hudson was great. Beyonce not so great at the beginning, but she was good towards the end, but I just couldn't get past seeing Eddie Murphy as a donkey. I didn't like him in this movie at all. I hated the tall hairdo and his skinny face. Maybe I'm still turned off from Norbit but I just don't like him anymore.

The song that brought goosebumps to my arms was the one where Jennifer Hudson sang (or belted!) "and I am telling you... I'm not going.. I'm not living without you.. I don't want to be freeeeee.. and you, and you... you're gonna love me".. I'll be singing that in my head all day today. Also you could clearly tell that they were lip sync singing.. But it was still good. I know Bill would rather poke himself in the eye than watch a movie like that, but if you like musicals (and I DO), check it out.


  • At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I took the girls to see it in the theatre...they loved it, I was not that impressed. I saw the musical, live, a long time ago and loved it, but the film didnt transfer well for me. I think I just don't like musicals made into movies. i did't like Chicago, Rent, or many of the other modern musicals on film either. Eddie Murphy was a bum in the film, but I thought he did a great job!

  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I just don't like him.. He drove me crazy in that film. I love the older musicals made into film.. like South Pacific, Oklahoma, Annie GEt your Gun, Sound of Music and even Fiddler on the Roof is great on film.. I still haven't seen Rent and haven't seen a theatrical production (other than our kids) in much too long. I think Jesus Christ, SUperstar was the last one I saw with Janice and my mother years ago....

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I'm with Bill.
    I'd rather take a punch in the throat than watch this.
    I think Krissy's gonna see 28 Weeks Later with me (Nancy won't after seeing 28 Days Later)

  • At 8:05 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I'm just waiting til May 23 for Pirates of the Carribean 3! We went on opening night last year for my 40th b-day and we all want to see #3. so that will probably be my next movie.. Although I do want to see 2 chick flicks.. one is the one with Meg Ryan called in the land of women, and the other is with I'm not Fonda Jane.. but it looks good.

  • At 8:19 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    kenny would probably rather poke his eyes out too....but its weird because he loves american idol! i love that song you were talking about auntie...lakisha sang it on Idol one of the first weeks in hollywood.

    i voted last night for Melinda Doolittle (4 times)! I thought they were all good last night but Jordin's rendition of Wishing on a Star was kind of lame, that is an awesome song and she did nothing with it.

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I missed it.. So you obviously want Melinda to win then :) TOo bad Jordan didn't do something with that. I wonder if they still play it everyday at 12 noon on Kiss 108. They did that for years.

  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have caught it on Saturdays, but I'm not sure they do it every day.

    I like all the old musicals, too. Can't figure out why I don't like the new ones.

  • At 9:47 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Probably because you have seen them on stage and it doesn't compare.. We never saw any of the old ones live so we only know what we know.. We're so blessed :)

  • At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He does look like donkey even when he doesn't play the


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