So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Happy Mother's Day...

What a nice weekend. First I had some girls I work with over on Friday night for a little vino and a house tour and we had some great laughs. Saturday, we were invited to my neighbor's First Communion Mass and party afterward. She looked like a little angel and seeing all those trusting beatiful kids brought tears to my sentimental eyes. And yesterday, after waking up to chocolates and candles and cards AND a pancake breakfast of which I had to neither cook nor clean, we headed up to my parents house for a cookout. My very thoughtful Godson made me yet another CD of great tunes to add to my collection and the kids all took a walk to the local park and had a blast. My 87 year old Aunt (my father's last living relative) was also there and since she had no children, she really got a kick out of my two adorable little neices who wanted to hear funny stories (of the olden days :) and colored pictures and ate tons of cake and cookies. It was a great day of family and fun and I feel very fortunate to still have both of my parents with me and to be able to spend a day with all of my family. Hope you all had a happy one! Pictures are of some of the nieces and nephews, the two boys (besides Billy and Matt, are my Godsons, Michael and Philip, and the little redheaded Maria is my youngest Godchild.. I adore each and every one....


  • At 7:04 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Sounds like a great day!!
    Thomas and I woke up early and snuck out to the bakery for some of mom's favorite goodies. Then we planted flowers and vegetables and worked in the yard in the beautiful sunshine. The sun was warm but there was a breeze off the ocean that felt like air conditioning. We took out the LLBean hammock and made Nancy relax on it. Then off to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. Later we watched the Sopranos. That was Insane!

  • At 7:34 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    ...I just noticed Matt's shirt..very cool! And the party mix in the last photo.
    In my best Homer Simpson: "mmmmpartymix..." (drooling)

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Gotta love that party mix.. I wish I had a photo of the lemon cake that my mother makes.. It is so good! I had my first hot dog of the season (all beef or course) Your day sounds great.. LOVE Italian.. I haven't watched Sopranos in a long time.. In fact, tomorrow I'm dropping HBO and getting rid of one of the DVR boxes.. we will be Classic Cable People!

  • At 9:41 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    oh my God, Billy looks sooooooooooo handsome!!!!! he is gonna have the girls falling over him when he gets into high school.

    wish i was there for the cookout, but i had a great day too. kenny took me out to breakfast after we dropped off my mother and sister at the airport and everyone in the restaurant was saying "happy mother's day momma" to me and some peole even yelled it out when we walked down the boardwalk.

    anna is starting to look exactly like my mother! and i just love maria's little red hair, she's so beautiful! i also got a kick out of philips little mustache...hehehhe....

  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Jess, Isn't Anna so photogenic! Billy is just gorgeous, I agree. He slow danced with 3 people at the dance, but doesn't really like any of them. One girl named Kaitlyn (very cute, athletic and smart)likes him and he was happy. He is just as wonderful on the inside.. Some girl is going to be lucky to have him as husband some day!

    I'm so glad you had a nice day. You really do look like a beautiful momma to be....

  • At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a nice bunch...That picture with your mom is so sweet. I am so glad you had a wonderful day. You deserve only the best. And hey you look like one of the kids,u know.
    So cute about the dance for Billy, Stephen claims the end of the year 8th grade dance will be lame and noone is going....OK not a glad her got his grove on.....So if I put in for chaperone and my son does not go how bad does that look?
    Jess that is so cute how strangers gave you happy sweet. Stephie

  • At 4:24 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Stephie! It was a nice day and my mother really loved having mostly everyone there. We were still missing Jessica, Kara, and Alex (for grandkids)...


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