So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sunshine, Flowers, and RIBBONS!

Mom and Dad took a ride down to go look for some flowers with me for my outside planters. Since flowers are not really in the budget this year, I got some Portulaca (which is gorgeous pinks, oranges, and yellows) and is an annual that will blossom all summer. Hopefully they will take and spread and look great. Next year I will plan something nicer that will bloom every year, but I just wanted a quick fix and some color. Dad is doing well, still looks fragile to me, but he tagged along all through Flowerland and took us to a new little place in town for lunch. Mom and I had grilled chicken panninis with avacado and pesto. DELICIOUS!

Later, I had to pick up Billy from his very first track meet where he won first place in the discus throwing! He will get a ribbon today at school.

Matt broke his very first window with a baseball while I wasn't home (to the little shed on the side of our house). He had to go over and tell Grandpa and was still upset when I got home. The funny thing is when I left and they were throwing the ball I told them they should be using a tennis ball so they don't break a window! I think I jinxed him! Anyway, It's fine. Guy fixed it and Matt learned a lesson. I hated to see him so upset about it, but it's only a window. (Now, if it was one of my new windows in the house I think I'd be a tad more upset).

So off to the office today :( My crazy co-worker has been much more sane. I just have to make sure she eats, then she's happy. Have a good day everyone!


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    yay billy! that is so awesome...first place!!!!!! it must be all that italian blood for him to be able to throw a discus like the

    those flowers you bought grow like crazy out here, they're really pretty in bloom. and are so easy to take care just leave them alone!

    poor matt, must have been hard to go over and tell guy about breaking the window :( but that's part of being a boy i guess....ya gotta break a window (and it was by accident).

    your crazy co-worker stories scare me....she's a loon!

  • At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds great that your dad is doing better and up to a day out with his gals.Nice lunch too. Glad to hear about the discus.....atleast the window was of a shed and not a house....Mom always said don't play ball in the house...or near
    Tell crazy to take a happy do they have happy pills at your hospital....hehehhe Stephie

  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I love Paninni's. I have one for lunch today!
    Alas, I've broken many a window with baseballs!


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