So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Grrrrrr..... (again)...

My turn to rant... I hate calling the cable company so I pretty much just won't do it anymore. Bill happened to be home early this afternoon so he called because we are supposed to change our e-mail because Adelphia was bought out by Comcast. On top of this we have been having some e-mail problems, such as when we want to check our e-mails from a computer away from home it tells us our account is invalid. I knew it would be a half hour conversation with someone halfway around the world who I couldn't understand the I have been avoiding it. SO ANYWAY..... Bill called and it was more of a 45 minute conversation which turned into two phone calls. He did crack me up though because he wouldn't let them hang up until we had everything under control.. You know how they try to rush you off and you are so confused that you just end up hanging up and going "what?".... Well it's done and our old account is now defunct.. so any of ya'll that are trying to e-mail me I hope you received my e-mail with my new name...

I hope we don't have to talk to cable again for a long long time.


  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i hate calling the cable company and i hate calling for tech support at DELL and i hate calling our health insurance buttons for 5 minutes, enter all your info numerically, then they ask you to say it all anyway once they finally pick up and they don't really answer your questions at all.....worst case scenario you get disconnected and have to call back! its enough to drive one insane!

    btw, i always make kenny call too because i always give too much info and its screws everying up.

  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    I've been avoiding a call to my insurance co., for a bill I shouldn't have gotten and will not pay!
    Maybe we can do it all online, less headaches...

  • At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Funny how they ask you to key in your insr. # then the person who you FINNNNNALLLY speak with then wants it said to them...Well why the heck did you have me key it IN!
    I must say I did have some good things with Blue/Cross and they were so helpful the boy sounded younger than my 14 year old Stephie
    Cable Company now that is another story.....Stephie

  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    And Bill was so funny on the phone, saying "what? I can't understand you, you need to say it again"..and I was just relaxin in my big ol chair reading a book..It felt good to not be the one on the phone for once!

  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    lololol...i'm laughing about billy not being able to understand the guy.

    kenny called dell once and it was some Indian guy who had like 50 people in the background and kenny couldn't understand a WORD that came out of his mouth and he kept saying, "repeat that please, i really don't understand what your saying..." etc, etc. then finally kenny hung up on the man after over an hour trying to accomplish something...lololol....we just looked at eachother and started hysterically laughing...actually its making me crack up right now.

  • At 5:14 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Got your email...but why go with your provider for email? I got tired our ours (Cablevision) and switched over to gmail. So no matter where I am, I get my gmail from Google. Gmail doesn't care how you get on the web...just that your on. So whether you're at the library...or travelling or work or's always on.
    With that said: When you call Dell nowadays, you'll either speak with someone in Manilla or India. Either way, his name will be "George"
    Trust me.

  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    I have spoken to George on more than one occasion :)

    I guess I'm just a creature of outlook express... I never thought of g-mail. I had a yahoo e-mail but I never used it and I forget what it was..

    Jess, can you imagine Papa with one of the indian accents? Excuse me MADAM.. !!!! hahahah.. oh well, at least he accomplished everything he meant to last night. Things are working!

  • At 5:41 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, MS just rolled out a new version of Hotmail that looks a lot like Outlook. Check it out.

  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Drew!

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger melissa said…

    Gmail rules!
    Hotmail drools!
    just my thoughts-I have my hotmail acct for 10 yrs now finally I got gmail!!!!!!!!!!


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