So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, November 27, 2006

Pure Decadence...

We spent the Saturday after Thanksgiving down in Newport, RI for a visit to the Newport Mansions.

We saw the Breakers (which is pictures) and the Marble House. Both were decorated to the hilt with poinsettias and Christmas decorations. It was just beautiful, except for the millions of day lillies, which made my eyes itch and water!

The wealth of the Vanderbilt family was astronomical! These were just summer homes, playgrounds for high society. Imported marble, tiles, paintings and furniture. Hired chefs from France for the summer and a house full of servants. Yahts and boats and fancy automobiles. I love looking at the photos of these people and imaging the rooms filled with parties. Bill and I both noted that the rooms were stuffy and dark, we liked the more casual atmospheres much better! If you have never been, it is worth the trip!


  • At 4:45 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    The pics look great....You must of had a wonderful time...Did they decorate yet?

    10 years ago we wen tthere for free, M won a trip and we had our 5 yr aniversary there...But left a day earlyy b/c we missed the boys lol.....We did!
    Did your boys like it..It is like who lives like that? NOT US! lol

  • At 4:46 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I know you said the plants were out but I meant the HUGH trees....

  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    don't you just LOVE it there? when kenny took me i really liked walking on that path along the ocean.

    by the way, Billy is your clone!!!! he looks exactly like you(male version)!!!!!

    can't wait to see you guys....i wonder when i'm gonna see you when i come home? its a must for sure.

  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    LOL Stephie.
    Once Nancy and I went to Florida...just the 2 of us for the first time ever. My brother watched the kids.

    We left early because we missed them!!!!

    See that? Great minds think alike!

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Steph, they had beautiful Christmas trees in every room, and at the Breakers there was an enormous tree made out of pointsettia plants. Gorgeous.

    Jess, just let me know your schedule..I'd love you to see the house!

    Drew/Steph, when the boys were little Bill and I got to go to Tennessee for a work conference for him and we stayed at the Grand Ol Opry Hotel which is GORGEOUS (and it was FREE) and I cried everynight because I missed my boys. They were 3 and 5. What good parents we are!

  • At 5:00 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I wanted M to see the pics to see if he remembered where it was...SO Ry runs over and says ....those boys LIVE in that
    Yes Ry they have a 30,000 sq ft mansion it is

  • At 5:00 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I was showing M the pics and Ryan ran over...He said those boys LIVE in that hugh imagine...that is far from a cozy

  • At 5:01 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…



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