So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wild Wednesday!

Ola, Amigos... My friend Patti graciously told me not to work today, so I didn't! I actually went for a walk this morning, got some laundry done and watched an episode of What Not To Wear before heading out at 11:30 to Matthew's School for his living museum of explorers exhibit. He was Hernando DeSoto who discovered what is now Florida. He wore a great hat that I found at I party and a cape and held a map and recited to whoever came in front of him. It was really good. Then I zoomed over to the Middle school where I volunteered at the school book fair before having teacher conferences. I bought some books for Christmas presents and helped the kids. I love books. I was so pleased with all the conferences. He has a great group of teachers and each one told me that he has now set the bar and must uphold because kids tend to slack off in session 2. His science teacher went out of her way to tell me what a gracious, polite and helpful child he is not only to her but to his classmates. I'm very lucky :)

Came home to make Eggplant parm and Steph's famous spaghetti squash is roasting as I blog... Matt is being dropped off for football til 6:30 when I pick him up and take him to his first basketball practice at 7. Poor kid will be smelly and exhausted. I'm really glad I relaxed a bit this morning, because tomorrow I will be working all day.. especially since the "window of time" that Empire carpet gave me was anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. WHAT???? I wish I could just be that broad with my time... anyway.. I'll be plugging away like all the pluggers tomorrow. I'm glad this week is flying by.. ...........Adios....


  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Hola........Glad to hear you did what you needed to do less the work on the
    let us know how the ss comes out and yum to the eggplant parm.....

  • At 4:05 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I love books too. They're like little windows that you climb through. Remember in Harry Potter the Pensieve? (am I spelling that right?) It was a story inside a story.

  • At 4:20 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I haven't read the Harry books. I started reading Chamber 0f Secrets to the boys a long while back before bed.. and it was too scary for bedtime! I loved all the movies though :)
    Steph, the recipe turned out great.. I think I had more fun pulling up the strands than a little kid would!

  • At 5:02 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I agree that is a fun thing to do lol
    Play with the food....

  • At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love spagetti squash! totally forgot about it. I used to make it all the time and got tired of know how that goes. I'll have to pick some up. what recipe?

  • At 7:51 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Davina, this is copied from Stephanies Post:

    Karen it is so easy....
    Cut in in half long ways (it makes two bowl boats) Take out the gunk and wash it clean....In a deep roaster pan put water half way up with a clove of garlic in the water and some pepper and oragano/parsley to add flavor to the steam...put the skin side in and do not let the flesh side get wet.....I cover for about 20 mins to keep the steam in then take off tinfoil to let out the steam and cook at 400* for about 40mins after the 1st 20 at 350*.......Add the drizzel of EVOO and the pepper/parsely and grated cheese...yum with a fork pull up the flesh and it looks like a bowl of spaghetti......Let me know how it comes if you make it.... ; )

    D. How do you do it? It was fun!

  • At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just bake it, string it and serve it with sauce and meatballs.
    ...and a salad, of course!


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