So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Song..

My mother used to sing this to us when we were kids and I have always sung it to my own..

There's a turkey in the oven, there are pies upon the shelf.
There are donuts in the cupboard but I cannot help myself.
When I go into the kitchen I can hear somebody say,
"You must wait until tomorrow, it will be Thanksgiving Day"!

I LOVE Thanksgiving! Family, friends, food, footballl (well, I don't so much care about the football, but it's fun) My favorites are the stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, Janice's sweet potatoe bake and corn pudding, my mother's creamed onions, my mother's gravy, and PIE, PIE, PIE.
I'm on day 2 of Stephie's cleansing diet.. the hardest part is no coffee. So I've been drinking green tea. I feel pretty good.. let you know tomorrow. But I need to get ready for the great FOOD FEST!!!!

I have lots to be thankful for:
* My Dad's chemo has worked so well that they want to operate, right away... Unfortunately, we have to cancel his big 80th birthday bash, but we will celebrate with a cancer free 80th birthday bash a little later on. Please continue to keep him in your prayers because this is a complicated operation, but we are all being very positive about it!

* We are finally in our brand new house, and we actually have a driveway today..and grass is on its way!

* Health, Family, Home, Love, Friends, USA. I do thank God each and everyday for these things.. but it's nice to have a day just to be thankful, happy, and stuffed!



  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    are you gonna watch planes, trains and automobiles? hehehe....

    papa sounds great! and we're still gonna fly home for a visit.

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh good! I was worried and wondering.... Figures how things work out, doesn't it...?

  • At 8:10 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    We'll keep praying.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!! :-)

  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Glad to hear your dad is coming along and the prayers are still coming too.....
    WOW! How is the "cleansin out" lol ?
    Make sure on the 3rd day u r near the bathroom..need I say more lol...
    I have been so energetic.....I am so glad I took the leap....
    Happy Thnaksgiving to you and LET THE FOOD FEAST BEGIN!
    Nice song, very cute!

  • At 5:26 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Thanksgiving sounds fun at your house! What's the tune to the Thanksgiving song? How are you feeling on the cleansing diet? I could use some energy, maybe I'll have to try it! Glad your Dad is ready for surgery... hoping it all goes well... will look for updates.... Enjoy the week!

  • At 3:42 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Dawn, it's to a barnyard tune.. I have no idea what the name of it is, but think "squaredance"

    The cleansing made me cranky and I cheated and had popcorn during movie night last night. Cannot wait for coffee this morning!!!!

    Thanks for the well wishes for my Dad!


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