So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Busy, busy, busy!!!!

What a weekend I have coming up! All good things and I can't wait! First I am going to Jessica's sister-in-law's house for a CYBER SHOWER on Saturday! They each have a web cam and we all shipped gifts out to sunny San Diego and we'll get to watch Jessica open them and see her beautiful belly! I'm very excited as this is so techno to me!! Then.. I have to scoot home to get ready for Billy's debut as Motel the Tailor in his school's production of Fiddler on the Roof.. I can't wait! I'll post pics of him later in the week.... THEN.. I have to get to bed early as Bill and I have a flight to catch super early Sunday morning.. We are heading to Denver, Colorado were he has a conference and I have a date with a pool, a book, a gym, and a bed! We have all day Sunday to ourselves to walk around downtown Denver and check out some local restaurants and shops and possibly go to Wolfgang Pucks Restaurant. He's also pretty free Tuesday morning so we are going to book a tour through the hotel to go see some mountains, and possibly the Coors Brewing company and some old west towns. I am so excited for this mini-vaca with just the two of us. The kids are in great hands with grandma and grandpa T and will probably enjoy being spoiled for the time we are gone! So I have lots to do.. wish I wasn't working today, but I'm going to split up my hours and get some errands and stuff done.. still haven't packed. OH yeah, there are two dinners that I'm invited to go to with Bill at night.. he actually asked me if I could fit everything in a carry on.. HA.. never ask a woman to pack lightly :)


  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Wow. Have a GREAT time! The cyber-shower sounds very cool.

    Bring back some warm-dry weather for us in the Northeast. It's freezing out today!!!!

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    colorado sounds like a blast! kenny and i have been to a Wolfgang Puck restaurant in Vegas, it was really yummy, i got a very interesting version of Eggplant Parm. I heard its still a little chilly in CO so make sure you bring layers :) and lots of moisturizer...oh and don't over do it in the gym because you'll be in Altitude and it does make a huge difference.

    i'm so excited for Billy! that's a major role he has....and it brings back my "Matchmaker" days.

    see you tomorrow at the cyber can't wait! goodness i hope we get the cameras to cooperate!

  • At 8:20 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I just checked the weather and it is strange for Denver, 80's and thunderstorms over the weekend then down to 65 by Tuesday (so I'll bring a sweater). but Sunday will be hot.

    Billy has to sing "Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles.." and they had to bring it down a couple octaves for his voice. He is so funny, he will not sing me a preview! the only thing I'm sad about is that we will miss his 2nd show. We were supposed to leave on Saturday morning so we'd have the weekend, but once I got the play schedule we had to change it.. parenting comes first! I'll drink lots of water and moisturize...:) and believe you me, I will not overdo the gym,, you know I'm fairly lazy..good thing I was blessed with a fairly good metabolism..:) Can't wait for cybershower.. when I told my friend at work that I was going to cyber shower on Saturday, her reply was "is it reasonable?" I'm thinking "what?" then she started cracking up and thought it was one of those Mystic tan places.. hahahahh

  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    okay....mystic tanning....lolololololol!!!!! that girl is out to lunch! hahahaha

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, are you going to videotape the show? If so you can put it bit of it on youtube or google video and post it for us...

  • At 11:29 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Unfortunately, cameras in the show and videotaping are not allowed. I'll have to purchase photos on the night of the play similar to what I had to do for Bah Humbug..

    p.s. I'm freezing.

  • At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is the coolest......SO awesome that we can do things like that these days. Funny in Epcott years ago they said it would be done before web cams exsisted nad here we are 20 years later and POOF! awesome.....
    Good for Billy...."break a leg" so they say don't really
    BURR>.......My coat is on too today in the house...Stephie

  • At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tell Bill you could put his stuff in a carry and you can have th eentire suitcase to yourself. Michael also does not get the concept of women packing. lol Have an awesome, sleep and swim, and have some nice food too...yum...Stephie

  • At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You girls are crazy......I went to Europe for three weeks in a carry on and the kids brought backpacks! How many times do you come home with things you didn't even wear?

  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Davina ......3 weeks and a carry on...WOW! One week to FL and we had 2 suit cases and 2 carry-ons for two and we wore everything......maybe one outfit no but that is it.....Stephie

  • At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I mean 4 people...


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