So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Denver Rocks!

Hey ya'll! I'm at the Convention Center and was able to get internet access to catch up on everything! We are having the best time.. What a much needed getaway. I highly suggest all couples do this once in awhile! I forgot how fun I am (lol!!).
Yesterday after a long day of travel even though we got here at noon, we walked into the city because our suite (yes we got a suite because no other rooms were available - but it's on Bill's company!). The city is awesome, so clean with a brick paved center in the middele and chairs set up with chess tables, and colorful benches while free vans transport you from one block to the next. Of course we wanted to walk after being cooped up and we poked around in shops, got Matt a t-shirt at the Denver Hard Rock Cafe and enjoyed the sunshine. Last night we walked to the Red Rocks brewing company and had a few cold ales with our appetizer of calamari then a brick oven spicy chicken pizza. We ended the night with a martini (no I am not a lush...) at the sky lounge on the 27th floor which overlooks all of the city surrounded by the gorgeous Rocky Mountains and we saw the sun set. Fantastic..

Today, I got room service for breakfast, then watched a little tele in the suite and took my new book down to the sun deck and sat by the jacuzzi for a few hours. After Bill got back, we had lunch in the city at an outdoor cafe and now we are headed to dinner with the meeting.

Tomorrow we go to the Red Rocks Ampitheater and to Buffalo Bill museum in the afternoon then another dinner tomorrow night. This really has been a wonderful trip.. I really like it here. Can't wait to get closer to the mountains.. I'll bring my camera and post when I get home!


  • At 5:37 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    You know, Karen, the first step back is admitting you have a problem. I'm talking about all that food!
    JK...sounds like your having a great time. Can't wait to see pics. Why can't every city be like that...with the chess tables and all. Did you know that Petemoss (Mel's hubby) is/was a Colorado-in? He always talks about how beautiful it is. Nancy and I have to get out there.

  • At 5:59 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    hey auntie!

    glad you're having fun :) denver looks so cool and everyone i know that is from there is cool

    the pizza you were talking about made me hungry!

    have fun in the out for bears!

  • At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SO glad you are having some nice adult time. u deserve it. Sounds like a great time so far...enjoy the rest of your hubby time togethere...Stephie

  • At 5:35 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Petemoss came from a great place.. it really is beautiful.. great culture too.. I want to take the kids back someday to really enjoy those mountains (even though they have mountain lions there.. yikes.)


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