So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

There's no place like home...

Back to reality! It's a Thursday and it feels like Monday to me... After a very long day of travel we arrived home about 5 p.m. yesterday. It was great to see the boys and my in-laws. They all had a great time together and were happy to see us.

I think I need a week of detox from food and drink, but it was all worth it. What a company! The money spent on this conference must have been a very large amount! The last night we had dinner and a show (over 1000 people) with open bar, appetizers, and a comedian. After the comedian (Chris Bliss - very funny!) we saw a band called RAIN, who were just like Beatlemania. They were phenomenal! Everyone was on the dance floor and they threw out all these black Beatle hair wigs, which all the guys put on.. Then after a change of costume, (the drug era) they handed out blue and red tinted round John Lennon glasses. It was hysterical!

We really had a great time. I loved Denver and the surrounding towns. Some pics included are the Red Rock Ampitheater where tons of bands have played. It's an outdoor stadium with great acoustics surrounded by these gorgeous rock formations. We also saw the Buffalo Bill Museum and resting place (grave and a gift shop :) and the Continental divide, which are the white capped mountains. Great time, great getaway.. but always glad to come back home.


  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Great shots, Karen. Petemoss always talks about how beautiful Colorado is. He lived close to Pikes Peak and could see it everyday just driving around.
    The downtown area looks really nice and clean and a cool place to walk around. When the kids get a little older I def. want to check out Denver. Welcome Home!!!

  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Pete was lucky! It figures that the one day we booked the tour it was 55 degrees and raining but we did get lucky and the clouds broke for us. They usually have 300 days of sun there (that's what the bus driver said anyway)... It's always good to come home though.. especially to a 91 degree day! Yeehaw!

  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    amazing pictures!!! i love the one with the crazy looking blue cow...hahaha.....

    some day when i grow up i want to go to denver for a few days!

  • At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You sound like you R tired but a good tired. So much fun, the night sounded like a blast. Awesome pics too. So glad you got to get out there. Look beautiful.....Stephie


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