So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Nights...

I have seen the future.. and it will involve lots of picking up children later in the evening.

When I was really young, I loved Friday nights because I got to stay up later and looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons.

Then I had friends, and Friday nights meant BIG plans with the neighborhood friends.

I got older, and Friday nights were for dressing up and maybe going out dancing with girlfriends, or to dinner and a movie with my boyfriend.

Then I grew up and Friday nights meant the week was over and I could relax and sleep in on Saturday.

Then I had kids and Friday nights meant Bill didn't have to get up the next day and could share nighttime duty with me.

Then the kids grew older and Friday nights meant family movie or game nights.

Now the kids are teens and tweens and Friday nights mean that they have plans with friends, or basketball practice and I (we) have to sit in the house in between dropping them off and picking them up. Friday nights mean I have to wait until 10 o'clock before I can put my pajamas on and settle in for the night.

What is Friday night going to mean when they are driving and out on their own?

Well, at least I can still sleep late on Saturday. Although I no longer like cartoons. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MerryChristmas to All!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you are all ready because the season is upon us. I'm late as can be, but getting there. Shopping is almost done, wrapping is mostly done, baking has not yet begun.. but the tree is up, there is snow on the ground and I'm going to get in the spirit if it kills me.

We have even made our cut out Christmas tree even if we were 9 days late and had to glue on all 9 days on the same day. So what!?

I will make my famous crabbies and bake my cream cheese cookies on Saturday while Billy and Matt are at the Bruins game and Sunday the Tringali's are all coming here. We plan on a quiet Christmas eve, just the four of us. I have to work 1/2 day and then we are going to the early mass, out for chinese food and back to watch A Christmas Carol.

On Christmas day my brother and sister-in-law have once again stepped up and will host Christmas day for the Feloni family. It will be a very special Christmas having us all there (except our Jessica) because my father's cancer has, like the ghost of Christmas past, come back to haunt us. He begins chemotherapy treatment on December 27th and once again my dear parents will be in and out of Boston while my father fights his heroic fight for more time here with us. And once again, his spirits make me so proud of him. He has more strength, courage and determination than a man half his age. Once again, Christmas will be bittersweet.

I'll try to visit more frequently.. I have pics to post of Billy's play and I still need to post Matt's football pictures. My Christmas wish this year is to have more time.. or at least to utilize the time that I do have more wisely. I almost can't wait til the New Year so I can start my list of things I need to do better.

Thanks for listening, blog friends. Merry Christmas and God Bless us Everyone!