So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Safe and Sound

That's a great Cheryl Crow song... but anyway... I spoke to Kara (my other niece, Jessica's sister) yesterday and she said it was raining ash. She was pretty scared because as she was flying out she really didn't expect it to be SO bad out there. They are staying at my 87 (?) year old Uncle Arthur's house which is outside of downtown. She said the air quality is better and the sun was shining there. She and Kenny had gone back to the condo to get more clothes and supplies and I believe there are staying there until at least Friday. I think knowing they are just staying put has taken some stress off them because as first they were thinking of just getting out of the state. I hope and pray these fires stop... I can only imagine the damage and the cost of fixing up everything.. and all the insurance company premiums going through the roof over this! You see all those enormous mansions and all this STUFF burning and once again you realize that all you need is each other.. and to make sure that your family is safe. Thanks for the good thoughts!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I'm sure you have all been reading about the fires in California. Well, Jessica, Kenny and Nathan have been evacuated. They are staying in a hotel for now in downtown San Diego, near the airport. I haven't talked to her but my sister said they are fine, just nervous. My niece Kara flew out last night and will hole up in the hotel with them. This was a scheduled visit and she found out about the evacuation last minute but decided to go and be with her sister. I hope they get these fires under control.. this is really scary. Poor Jess... My Uncle Arthur has offered the use of his home (he also lives in San Diego but further away) so if they can't get back home soon then I hope they go to his house. My sister and brother in law are supposed to be flying out Friday for a visit with the baby so at least they will all be together.. I'll keep you posted..

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I'm exhausted today.... All my running around is catching up with me. I get like this maybe 1 day a month when I just want to lay down and watch t.v. and today is the day... Thankfully Bill has gone back out to pick up Matt from football practice. We had breakfast for dinner because I'm totally out of most food groups and need to do a major shop tomorrow after work. I put a little canned pumpkin in my pancake batter and put some walnuts and maple syrup on top and it was SO good!

Work is great but I really do feel for the rest of the world that has to go out everyday.. It's not easy. The days really do fly by... I forgot about this because it has been 14 years since I've left the house every single day. Plus keeping up with all the stuff around here.. YIKES!!! Well, I'm not as neurotic as I used to be. As long as the kitchen is clean I can pretend the rest of the house is perfect as well! The boys have been great about helping out, but they are pretty busy too. Here is what they have been up to..

Billy was elected Vice President of Student Council and is very happy. He is also playing the part of "Alan" in Babes in Toyland which will debut in December. He just did a radio commercial (WATD 95.9) for all you local listeners. He is on the teen advisory board for our library and they are doing a read-a-thon on Saturday which benefits Wednesday's Child (anyone familiar with Jack Williams knows that this is program which helps special needs kids find families).. He also got a great progress report.. so this kid has been pretty busy.

Matthew also got a great progress report and has been doing wonderful in football. I love hearing his name over the speakers. He really puts his heart and soul into football.. We just signed him up for basketball which will begin as soon as football ends.

So between work and running around with these two I have maybe 10 minutes of free time a week (lol...) I love to spend that time lounging in my pjs reading and catching up on recorded shows.. We like Journeyman, Life and as always Survivor.. Hope I haven't bored you to sleep.. I'll be back soon with more interesting stuff (hopefully).... Also still worrying about my Dad.. but reality is really kicking in fast.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great READ!!!!

I just read this book over the weekend and loved it! It's about a 90 something year old man living in a Nursing Home and remembering his past and when he worked at the circus.. The interesting thing is that the author did extensive research on circuses and some of the bizarre things that happened in the story really did happen back then. It was wonderfully written (at times very strange) and had a great ending.. So, if you are lover of books like I am, check this one out!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

For a Tuesday Smile!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Wow.. October..

Time is really flying.. I can't believe it's already October! Someone at work told me this random thing where they say Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit on the first day of every month and now I find myself doing it.. It's pretty weird.

We had a good weekend. Billy had a dance on Friday night and he had a great time. Saturday we all slept in which was nice then Bill took Matt to the JV game and Billy and I drove to the Barnes and Noble in Hingham to finally spend his Christmas GC from Auntie Davina. He got two great books and wanted to buy this anime book which I knew would take him all of 20 minutes to read and which cost 10 I suggested we each get a chai tea and sit in the comfy chairs while I read the latest People and he read his book! Saved a quick $10!

We ordered pizza as our weekly treat and hung out and watched the telly. Sunday Matt had a game in Rockland. It was a beautiful sunny day and it was a very exciting game. Matt ran the ball probably a total of 40 yard in all.. right up the middle. He did a great job! It ended up being a tie, 14 to 14 because the other team got a touchdown in the last 2 minutes. It went by much too fast. Next weekend is a long weekend and Matt is already making plans to have two friends stay over.. bleh...Hope you all had a nice weekend. Happy Monday.. hope the week FLIES by!