So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Date Night

with my boy......

Bill took Matt and his best bud Tommy up to NH to clean out some stuff and I stayed home and cleaned some stuff around here. Later today Billy and I went out to Carmelas Restaurant for a nice Italian dinner. Everything always looks so good, yet I always get veal parm.. I guess I'm like my father, you stick with what you know you like! One of these days I'll do a little expanding (and not anymore in the waistline I hope)!

Anyway, we had the greatest time. He is so funny and entertaining and pretty much told me "I rock" as a Mom. He says I am protective, but not overprotective, and that I'm a cool mom. LOVIN IT!!!!!! I told him that I'm not naive and I don't expect my kids to be perfect because I certainly wasn't (right, MOM?) but my biggest concern is keeping them safe and protecting them from things that could potentially kill them! He laughed and said he's all for protection against death. It makes me so happy to be able to laugh and talk and share things with him the way that I can laugh and talk and share things with my mom. The best gift she ever gave me was that I always feel like she loves me and thinks I'm the greatest and I'm so happy to share that gift with Billy.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Amigos, how is everyone? I'm not sure about the whole Facebook thing.. I'm an old-fashioned blogger and can't keep up with the technology.

It's going to be a hot one today. I have my nephew, Philip, with us until Wednesday. Testostore galore in the Tringali House! Today they plan on going down to the beach at low tide to dig for clams to use as bait for fishing later today. Tide isn't high until early evening, so they won't be able to swim til much later. I offered a trip to Duxbury beach but got the veto.. so I'm minding my beeswax and will let the boys be boys!

Bill took Philip and Matt out to check the lobster traps last night. He got a GIANT spider crab and and lots of other crabs but only a small lobster which they threw back. Maybe in a couple of days they'll get something good!

Went to my Aunt and Uncles yesterday for a party for my cousin, Michelle, who is a Captain in the Army Reserves. Shes a nurse and has been in Iraq for about 16 months. She was home on leave and goes back today. She'll be coming home for good in October and hopefully won't be deployed again for a couple years. She said it really changes your perspective being over there, and you don't have tolerance for people complaining of stupid things. Note to self: No complaining over stupid things. It was nice seeing all my cousins and Aunts and Uncles... It's hard to look around and see everyone getting older.. Cousin Kathy did a fantastic job running the party (General Dyer) and is the best of cousins! Have a nice Monday everyone!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Belated Father's Day everyone!

We had a very busy weekend.. One day a party at my sister-in-laws (also a Karen) to celebrate my wonderful mother in law's 70th birthday which is really Wednesday. We had a great day playing cards and eating and sitting outside. Matthew won a round of "31" and got $24.00 so it made his day. He and I also won "Showdown" where everyone puts in a dollar and one person goes around the table laying down cards (similar to poker) and whoever has the best hand wins. I got 2 pair and won 10 bucks! I like to win.

On father's day I wasn't able to see my Dad, but called and will see him on Wednesday. I made Bill and boys a nice pancake (blueberry and chocolate chip) and bacon breakfast then Bill and I drove his parents in to South Boston for their Boston to Bermuda cruise! He has to pick them up next Sunday too. Yesterday I went into the hospital to work in Mammography and then worked transcription last night so I'm TIRED!!! I stayed up too late watching Mystery Diagnosis and Medical Incredible on Discovery Health.. Tonight, early to bed!

Hope you all had a good weekend and a happy Father's day.. Fathers are so important to us all.. we are lucky to have you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No more pencils...



SCHOOL'S OUT FOREVER... Thank you Mr. Cooper!!

I made the requisite last day of school cupcakes to bring to the bus stop. Of course, this year I asked Matt's permission because I didn't want him to be embarassed. I guess you're never to old to not want cupcakes. Vanilla with cholate frosting and sprinkles. I've been making cupcakes on the last day of school since Billy started. This is my first year back in my old 'hood so I'm excited to go!

We used to have a mother's bus stop group when the kids were little. We would all take turns going to each other's houses for coffee with our littlest ones after the big ones got on the bus. It was fun. Now I don't walk up there with Matt anymore because he's in 5th grade and doesnt' need Mommy, but I miss the ladies! Good times... but they are a'changin...

Friday, June 08, 2007

T.freakin G. I. F....

I don't know about the rest of you, but my week has stunk. (Well, except for my anniverary but we were both really too busy to do anything).. SO glad the kids are out next Tuesday and so glad it's the weekend. No plans. No action. Just wingin' it! Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend. oh. and Happy Birthday to my sister Janice!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Everywhere I look is a thin film of yellow green pollen. It's disgusting. My eyes are hurting. Billy is home from school today and awaiting his Zirtec prescription. Does everyone else have this layer? Or is it just me.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Going to the chapel....

June 4th, 1989!!! 18 years ago today Bill and I were married at Sacred Heart Church in Roslindale, MA. We have over 200 people in attendance at the reception and feasted on prime rib and danced the night away to music of "little Paul"! After a 2nd reception back at my parents we spent the night at Logan Airport Hilton and flew to Aruba the next morning for a honeymoon in the sun!

Where has the time gone? I don't feel this old? I can't believe it's been 18 years, three homes and 2 kids (one teenager!) later. Has it been 100 percent perfect? No, but it has been perfect for me. He is still the one who has always looked out for me, believed in me and loved me through all of our ups and downs. He's the one I turn to for a laugh or a hug and the one I look at with pride as I watch our boys grow. He's always felt like "home" to me.. and there's no place like home.

Friday, June 01, 2007


In addition to not poking around the woods of Georgia in seach of Hogzilla.. I'm thinking maybe I should purchase some masks for my next airplane trip. Perhaps a full faced helmet to protect all of the mucous membranes..
