So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hip Hip......


This might be insignificant to some of you, but others know the trouble I've been having and I JUST GOT THE BEST FREAKING HAIRCUT that I've had in eons!!!!

Spur of the moment this morning I called a salon in town that I've been told about recently and they had a 10 a.m. I took a chance and I'm H.A.P.P.Y... :)

Thanks for suggestions from some of my friends (ie. Norma) but I didn't feel like traveling.. so it's a small thing, but it makes me happy :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tag!! I'm it!

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

OK! So Norma tagged me and now I have to think of 6 weird things about myself that I want to share.. Hmm. I'm sure my family/friends could think of many. but here goes.

1. I won't eat soup when it comes out in the shape of the can. Chicken noodle is supposed to be liquidy, not a solid mass. My brother made fun of me for years over this, but I still will throw out a can of Campbell's if it comes out in a "plop".

2. I pretty much have to wear lipstick when leaving the house. I could be completely disheveled, but those defined lips make me feel like I'm 100% pulled together!

3. I secretly wish I could be a vegetarian. Sometimes the thought of meat and how it gets here makes me completely disgusted, but I wouldn't know what the hell to eat if I didn't have meat on my plate!

4. I obsess over the safety of my children. I hope I get over it during their lifetime because it makes for no fun sometimes, for them and for me. I think theres a freak lurking behind every corner just waiting to snatch up one of my precious ones. Therapy, please.

5. I'm really afraid of the deep ocean. I used to have dreams that I slid off a boat and a shark was out there waiting for me. I love the beach, but I don't love the creatures that live at the beach. I guess lakes are included in that too.. I get really freaked out in the dark part of a lake ever since seeing Stephen King's "The Raft".. something is just waiting to eat me...

6. I love to diagnose people. I should have gone to medical school. I love trying to figure out what people have by their symptoms.. I love those ER shows on Discovery, or true crime, or things like that. I guess not too weird.. but that's all I can think of! Feel free to add any if you think of them... :)


TAG...Jessica and shes' the only one because I think all my bloggin friends have already been tagged! Looking forward to reading about all you weirdos out there!! (Hee, Hee)...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Checking in...

Happy Wednesday once again! I cannot believe this is almost the end of January already. I remeber being a kid and the days and months seemed to drag. Now my life is flying by!

Anway, my parents are coming down today with my Aunt and Uncle! My father has a hankering for some chinese food and he loves the luncheon specials at a local place in town. Needless to say, I'm thrilled! He is really doing wonderfully.. he has had so much to cope with but is keeping his chin up and marching along. So I'll probably be having a nice bowl of Wonton Soup for lunch today.

In other news, Matt has his very first guitar lesson today before basketball. He is so excited.. He even wore his "guitar shirt" to school. It's black with white sleeves and has a metallic silver guitar on the front. Pretty cool. He would love to be the next Tom Petty :) Last night he told me he misses me when he is at school all day.. he's so cute!

My job is about as exciting as watching paint dry lately. I just don't want to concentrate, but I need those checks to keep coming.. so time to go and let my fingers do the walkin and talkin.... Have a great day all!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. NIGHT!!!!

What ever happened to the good old days when I was excited that it was Saturday night?!!! I remember making plans with my girlfriends (and guy friends) of where we were going, what time were we meeting, what were we wearing? It was so much fun.. but I'm honestly glad not to be there anymore..

Instead, I watch and wait as my oldest gets ready to go to the dance with his buddy. My youngest is having a sleepover, and Bill and I have to stay dressed so we can go pick up the boys at 10 p.m. How quickly things change.. how quickly time flies.. Soon they will be driving.. and I'll still be waiting up ready to kiss them goodnight.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Big Worries for Little Boy

It was a very busy day yesterday. After going into the office all day, coming home and having the kid's friends here, having dinner, cleaning up, rushing around, helping Matthew study for a Social Studies test that he wasn't 100% prepared for......I decided it was time for bed.

After dawdling for the longest time, Matt finally was in bed with a book in hand. He closed his eyes, then opened them and said to me with a very worried look on his face "How will I ever be an Adult?"

My first reaction was to want to laugh, then I realized he was serious! Sometimes we forget that kids feel pressure too. We had a nice conversation where I learned that "it's no fun being a good kid sometimes". Matt is very responsible and really wants to do the best he can. I expect the best out of him that he can give. Do I need to relax with him? Thoughts?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Wicked Pissa....

101 Ways You Know You're a Proud Bostonian

1 . The Red Sox World Series win was, and will always be, one of the greatest moments in your life.
2. The guy driving in front of you is going 70 mph and you're swearing at him for going too slow.
3. When ordering a tonic, you mean a Coke.
4. You went to Canobie Lake Park or Water Country as a kid
5. You actually enjoy driving around rotaries.
6. You do not recognize the letter "R" as a part of the English language eva!
7. Your social security number starts with a 0 8.
You can actually find your way around Boston.
9. You know what a "regular" coffee is. 10 You keep an ice scraper in your car year-round.
11. You can tell the difference between a Revere accent and a Dorchester accent.
12. Springfield is located "way out west."
13. You almost feel disappointed if someone doesn't f l ip you the bird when you cut them off or steal their parking space.
14. You know how to pronounce the names of towns like Worcester, Billerica, Gloucester, and Haverhill.
15. Anyone you don't know is a potential idiot until proven otherwise.
16. Paranoia sets in if you can't see a Dunkin Donuts or CVS within eyeshot at all times.
17. You have driven to New Hampshire on a Sunday just to buy alcoh ol. 18. You know how to pronounce Yastrzemski.
19. You know there's a trophy at the end of the Bean Pot. 20. You order iced coffee in January
21. You know that the Purple Line will take you anywhere
22. You love scorpion bowls.
23. You know what they sell at a Packie.
24. Sorry Manny, but number 24 means DEWEY EVANS.
25. You know what First Night is.
26. You know at least one guy named Sean, Pat, Sully, Red, Bud or Seamus.
27. McLobster? McCrap!
28. You know at least 2 cops in your town because they were your high school drinking buddies.
29. Sure there are 6 New England states, but Connecticut really doesn't count.
30. You intentionally give wrong directions to tourists, feel bad when they drive off, but then say to yourself ,"Ah, screw them."
31. You know at least one bar where you can get something to drink after last call.
32. You're sick of the Ke nnedy's, but you vote for them anyway.
33. You know holding onto the railing when riding the Green Line is not optional
34. The numbers '78 and '86 make you cringe.
35. You've been to Goodtimes before
36. You think the rest of the country owes you for Thanksgiving and Independence Day. (...and they DO).
37. You have never been to "Cheers."
38. The words 'WICKED' and 'GOOD' go together.
39. You've been to Fenway Park several times.
40. You've gone to at least one party at U Mass.
41 You own a "Yankees Suck" shirt or hat.
42. You know what a Frappe is.
43. You've been to Hempfest.
44. You know who Frank Averuch is.
45. ADVANCED: You know Frank Averuch was once Bozo the Clown
46. You can complete the following: "Lynn, Lynn..."
47. You get pissed off when a restaurant serves clam chowder, and it turns out to be friggin' Snows.
48. You actually know how to merge from six lanes of traffic down to one. 49. The TV weatherman is damn good if he's right 25% of the time.
50. You never go to "Cape Cod," you go "down the Cape".
51. You think that Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon are more evil than Whitey Bulger.
52. You know who Whitey Bulger is.
53. You went to the Swan Boats, House of Seven Gables, or Plymouth Plantation on a field trip in elementary school
54. Bobby Orr is loved as much as Larry Bird, Tom Brady, and Ted Williams.
55. You r emember Major Mudd.
56. You know what candlepin bowling is
57. You can drive to the mountains and the ocean all in one day
58. You know Scollay Square once stood where Government Center is.
59. When you were a kid, Rex Trailer was the coolest guy around. Speaking of which...
60. You can still hum the song from the end of Boom Town
61. Calling Carrabba's an "Italian" restaurant is sacrilege <>
62. You still have your old Flexible Flyer somewhere in your parents' attic.
63. You know that the Mass Pike is some sort of strange weather dividing line.
64. The only time you've been on the Freedom Trail is when relatives are in town.
65. The Big Dig tunnel disaster wasn't really that much of a surprise.
66. You call guys you've just met "Chief" or "Boss."
67. 4:15pm and pitch black out means there's just 3 more shopping days until Christmas
68. You know more than one person with the last name Murphy
69. You refer to Savin Hill as "Stab 'n Kill."
70. You've never eaten at Durgin Park, but recommend it to tourists.
71. You can't look at the zip code 02134 without singing it.
72. You voted for a Republican Mormon as Governor just to screw with the rest of the country.
73. 11pm? Drunk? It means one thing: Kowloon!
74. 2am? Drunk? It means one thing: Kelly's Roast B eef!
75. 5am? Drunk? It means one thing: You wish you had a blanket in your back seat
76. You know that P-Town isn't the name of a new rap group.
77. People you don't like are all "Bastids."
78. You took school or work off for the Patriots first Super Bowl Win Parade
79. You've called something "wicked pissa."
80. You'll always get razzed for Dukakis.
81. Saturday afternoons meant Creature Double Feature with Dale Dorman
82. Sunday mornings meant the Three Stooges on Channel 38
83. You've slammed on your brakes to deter a tailgater
84. No, you don't trust the Gorton's Fisherman.
85. You know that Papa Gino's usually has a jukebox
86. You think Aerosmith is the greatest rock band of all time.
87. Your town has at least 6 sub shops, and none of them are a Subway. 88. You know at least three Tony's, one Vinnie and a Frankie
89. 20 degrees isn't that bad as long as th ere's no wind.
90. You were very sad when saying goodbye to the Boston Garden
91. Thanksgiving means family, turkey, High School football, and the long version of Alice's Restaurant.
92. You know the guy who founded the Boston Pops was Athah Feedlah. 93. You know what the Combat Zone is
94. You actually drive 45 minutes to New Hampshire to save $5 in sales tax
95. You've pulled out of a side street and used your car to block oncoming tr affic so you can make a left.
96. You've brag ged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop
97. You've been to Hampton Beach on a Saturday night
98. Playing street hockey was a daily after school ritual.
99. Hearing an old lady shout "Numbah 96 for Sioux City!" means it's time for steak
100. You remember Jordan Marsh, Grants, Bradlees, Caldor, Zayres, or Ann & Hope.
101. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Massachusetts

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A little bad news....

When I popped in to visit Guy yesterday, they happened to have Family Feud on. The question was.. at what age does your brain start to deteriorate?

The answer: 40!

It's all down hill from here, folks.. so when I start saying "the thingy" or "whatchamacallit" or "what's his face" then you'll know why. Maybe I should try Sodoku?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Some good news..

My father in law, Guy, had a carotid endarterectomy yesterday. He had 90% blockage of the carotid artery that leads to the brain. No symptoms except occasional lightheadedness. Well, he did wonderfully and is already home and recuperating. Anyone that knows Guy knows what a fantastic person he is.. He can pretty much do anything and he pretty much does everything for us! I'm so glad he came through this unscathed. Now if we can only keep him still for a week to rest up and recuperate!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to.........

DAVINA!!!! Happy birthday to you!

Davina is my sister-in-law and wonderful friend of over 20 years! She knew me when I had huge hair and I knew her when she wore pennies in her loafers! We just clicked through my brother and I'm very lucky to have her in my life. We have spent hours on the phone, through babies and sleepless nights, to pre-teens with all the joy that comes with that! We talk fashion, beauty, money, careers, life, marriage, religion.. anything that comes to mind. We totally trust each other and value each other's opinions. Also, she is the mother of some of my very favorite people, Michael, Avery, Alex and Emma. We have shared laughter and tears and I look forward to sharing all of my life events with such a great sister-in-law and friend!!! Happy, happy birthday.. I hope this is a fantasitic year for you! Love, Karen

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tag!! You're it... (from Stephie!)

Here goes...

A.- Available or Taken? Taken
B- Best Friend? My hubby, Bill.
C.Cake or Pie? Pie
D- Drink of Choice? Water with lemon, alcoholic right now would be pumpkin ale with a slice of orange
E- Essential item you use everyday? MAC Eden Rocks lipstick
F- Favorite Color? lightish blue like aqua
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? YUCK to both
H- Hometown? Roslindale, Massachusetts
I- Indulgence? Chocolate sweets and bubble baths
J- January or February? February because of vacation week and one month closer to spring
K- Kids and Names? Billy and Matthew
L- Life is incomplete without? Family, friends, Food, Vacations, movies, great books, long walks, living near the ocean, something to look forward to, relationship with God
Marriage Date? June 4, 1989
N- Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother
O- Oranges or apples? apples, gala, granny smith, empire, mac
P- Phobias or fears? being trapped underwater, crazy people, death of others but not myself, bears, hitting deers, sharks and alligators/crocodiles
Q- Favorite quote? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
R- Reason to Smile? I love to smile :) don't need a reason
S- Season? Fall, then summer;
T- Tag 3 or 4 people? Jessica, Dawn, Davina, Cousin Kathy
U- Unknown fact about me? If I wasn't me, I'd want to be Stacy London from TLC's "What not to Wear" She's fabulous!
V- Vegetable you don't like? Brussel sprouts
W- Worst Habit? my accent
X- X-rays? spine, but it wasn't official, a friend at work did it for me :)
Y- Your favorite food? Italian
Z- Zodiac: Cancer, Water sign.. sensitive homebody

That was fun!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I feel like a Jane Fonda Video...

This is my third, yes count em three, day in a row of steady exercise. Can I keep up the pace? Yes, I can. Will I keep up the pace. Yes I will!! I'm mixing it up between treadmill, yoga and weights. I feel a bit more energetic and lots more hungry. Why is it that when you are working out you suddenly become ravenous?

Oh yeah, I finally learned how to breathe. In case you don't know it, you might be breathing wrong. I got this book out of the library about Pilates, and the first thing they talked about is BREATHING! Its not as simple as you think. I was breathing only from my throat, and not from my diaphragm. I was taking shallow breaths instead of deep breaths and was cheating my body! So think about it when you are breathing.. .are you a shallow breather or a deep breather?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Wow, 2007! I think the 2000's are flying by. It's weird. I hope you all have a very happy, healthy, prosperous 2007. I have high hopes for this year. I'm settled, healthy and have a great husband and two great kids. I don't think I could ask for more. I do have some goals for myself starting physically. I want to feel less tired and more healthy. I want to feel strong and in shape. I already eat fairly healthly, so I'll try to add some new things to my diet. New vegetables, less meat, more fish. Less complaining, more joy. I'm going to try to focus more on my own family and to encourage all of us to try new things. I wish you all the same. Happy New Year.. Happy new You!