So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cuz I'm workin for a livin...

I've been filling in since Monday in the Mammography Department at the Hospital. The other receptionist left rather quickly and my friend Jen called me and signed me up for the hours. They really want me for the job but because of the union, it first has to be posted and then any nimrod with more seniority than me, no matter their education or qualifications, can get the job. So.. its basically a crapshoot. I have been friends with all techs and other girls in that department since 2002. We used to meet down the waterfront on "rich Friday" for wine and catching up. The hours are perfect. 9a-3p (six hour days.. which fly by..) Even though it makes me sad about the summertime.. I have my in-laws and Billy will probably actually be getting a job soon. Anyway... I just have to wait and see. I am kind of tired but it's fun to get up (not too early by the way) and dress and get out of the house. Matt was camping most of the week with his best bud and their family and Billy was hanging out with my mother in law and just chilling around the house... I'm home tomorrow typing because we are behind in my other job.. I have pretty much been working my behind off!!!! I'll post another time about my evening as a function server for a wedding.. talk about work!!! ta ta..

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mini vacation

We spent a few days before the weekend down on the very tip of Cape Cod in Truro. We've stayed here a few times before and it is always fun and relaxing. It's called Horizon Beach Hotel and we got a room with 2 doubles and a kitchen with a little balcony that overlooks the ocean across the street.

We arrived in the rain, but it didn't stop us and off to Provincetown we went to walk all around the streets. We ate indoors because of the downpours and it was the best clam roll ever! We spent the next bright and sunny day hopping from the pool to the beach and later in the day we went back to P-town and climbed the tower (I think it is 252 feet high) and then headed to pizza joint called Spiritus which was featured in July's issue of Rachel Ray magazine. It was outstanding with a nice thin crispy crust. After this we headed to Ben and Jerry's ice cream to top it all off! I waddled home where I watched Big Brother while the guys went back to the beach to throw the football around. It was a wonderful mini break away from life where we could enjoy sun and sand and a fabulous place for people watching!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hanging with the girls....

While Norma took Billy on a date to Harry Potter, Matt and I got to hang out with two very special little ladies, Veronica and Emma! As soon as they came in, they knew their plan.. downstairs to the bucket of beanie babies so they could line them up and choose one each for their very own. I told them to take their time because they had hours to decide!! After playing outside with tubes, a game of Splash and ice cream on the porch, they happily settled in downstairs with Matthew to play the Spongebob Squarepants video game and before we knew it, Billy and Norma were back! They loved the movie and Billy entertained me when they left by telling me about the man who sat next to them and burped up Italian sub the whole time! We are all eagerly awaiting the next movie...when we get to hang again! They already have a beanie picked out for next time.. and the Timmy Turner video game is on the list!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Baby soft....

What a sweetheart! I wish I could kiss that downy soft skin. His pretty lips and little chin (and all that hair!) remind me so much of Jessica when she was born. Imagine being 12 years old and having your very own little doll to play with. Well, she broke in me in and I fell in love immediately, and already little Nathan has my heart. God has blessed our family with another sweet one to love.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Jessica's in labor!!!!!! I just got home from work and my sister called and we are all so excited!!! I guess her water broke early this morning and she is in the hospital and on pitocin (sp?) which I was on and it isn't fun..

so send your happy thoughts, prayers and good wishes to my Jessica!!!! I'll report as soon as I know anything.. I'm so excited!!!

UPDATE: Nathan Corbett Lang was born sometime after 6 p.m. California time and weighed 6 lbs 14 oz (I think.. I was too excited to write it down) Mommy, baby and Daddy are doing great!!! I can't wait to see pics. He has lots of blonde hair! Congratulations Jess and Kenny!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Bill!

Happy 42 to Bill today! We had a nice dinner last night with Bill's parents of eggplant parm (made by me while sipping some nice red wine..) and ziti followed by chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! He is off today and just got back from going out to check the traps where he got two good size lobsters! He's boiling them up for lobster salad which he's been craving since last week. So, good day for Bill!

In other news, we finally sold the NH house as of yesterday. It has been rather nightmarish so I didn't want to post and jinx myself, but now it is officially over. Bye, bye NH. We had some good times, but it's over. I can breathe again.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Here are some pictures of the end of our road and the guys going out to check the lobster pots. No luck yesterday. I sat on my float and finished my book (The Boleyn Interitance by Phillipa Gregory - GREAT READ!) and waited for them. The sky was dark and overcast but when the sun came out it was really hot! They have just gone out again. Bill is hoping for Lobster salad tonight! Billy is at a birthday party at Water Whiz and I'm keeping cool in the house`

Saturday, July 07, 2007


7/7/07 - very cool. Bill played the number for me! Hope I hit!

I had a very relaxing birthday this year. Today was the annual book fair/yard sale at the Beal House so my parents met us all there and we browsed and bought some good books for cheap prices, then came home for a bit and went out to lunch at the Royal Garden (chinese!). Mom made me an angel cake with lemon filling and whipped cream and Bill went to French Memories Bakery and got me a blueberry/apple crumble pie because I told him I'd like a birthday pie instead of a birthday cake. Delicious! I was serenaded by cousin Kathy, Uncle Leo and Aunt Nancy all the way from their road trip to Philly which I loved. Got great cards from Jessy and Aunt Mary and sat on the porch in my new white rockers that my wonderful mother-in-law gave me as a housewarming gift. Life is good, my friends....even at 41!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Party Hearty!!!!

Happy 48th wedding anniversary to my parents, Fran and Ed!!! We celebrated at my brother and sister-in-laws house and it was a blast! The kids swam in the pool, played capture the flag, an impromptu game of wiffle ball oldies against the young-ins (I was a spectator but told the oldies kicked butt!) It was so nice to see the all my neices and nephews playing with my cousins kids! My Uncle Leo and Aunt Nancy brought their Army jeep that my Uncle bought off my brother (It was orignally a Marines) and restored complete with army paint and gear! They were a riot all dressed up in army get-ups and heading out to ride in the parade, but not before we all took pictures and saluted them on their way out. My father' oldest friend, Nicky, who is 83+ and from the North End was there with his wife and told funny stories about growing up in the North End. My parents were surrounded by family and friends.. just the way they like to be... Great day, great food, great fun.. God Bless America!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It's a Marky Mark week....

I just watched two movies with Mark Wahlberg in them (from the library of course!)

The first one was Four Brothers, about four adopted (2 black, 2 white) brothers that come together after the death of their Irish mother. It was really good! I watched it all by myself and although there was definitely violence, and it was far fetched (as most movies are), I really enjoyed it! Marky Mark has come a long way since the days of his boy band whose name escapes me at this moment (although I know Jessica will be yelling it out loud since she was a HUGE fan and her parents took her to the concert!)

The second one which we watched last night was The Italian Job. Another far fetched but great movie! Check it out.. although you all probably already saw it since I think its old. I loved the scenes from Italy and Bill liked it too even though I had to keep poking him to wake him up. He gets up too early! I did see another one of his where he played a character named Dirk Diggler, but we won't talk about that. This is a family post :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sweet July

My favorite month of the year! Think cookouts, hot lazy days, swimming at the beach, ice cream cones, watermelon, s'mores, ice-tea and cold lemonade white sitting on the porch, green grass and blue skies.. what more could you ask for?

This is my birthday month and my parent's anniversary which always meant parties at our house when I was growing up... tons of cousins over, swimming in the pool, trips to Old Siver Beach, and lots and lots of popsicles! Hot sidewalks and stubbed toes, going into the cellar to get out of the heat, staying out all day, coming home for dinner and going right back out again! Playing till we were exhausted and filthy and coming home for a bath and to watch a show down the basement. Summer was endless back then and July was a month for slowing down and playing, sometimes being as bored as can be and searching for something to do... I hope everyone can slow down a little bit this month, sip some lemonade and enjoy July as it was meant to be!