So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Itchy and Scratchy...

Billy is going to miss his second day of school. He is covered in angry red hives!! It started before bed last night and I painted him with Caladryl and a cotton ball but it was worse this morning when he woke up.. plus the fact that it is a little on his forehead is a 14 year old's worst nightmare! I called the night nurse who said I did everything right (cool shower, more Calyadryl, antihistamine) but suggested he stay home and we watch it just in case. SO.. I had to call the other girl in (who lives an hour away) to work in the Transcription Office because everyone there is out sick and I was supposed to cover. Anyone know that saying about making a plan? HA!!! Not that I'm not glad to be home, I'd just rather not be home with an itchy, scratchy kid.

Hope these go away.. maybe he can go in late!

In other words, Matt has his second scrimmage against Plymouth this afternoon! GO WARRIORS!!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First day!

I LOVE the routine of back to school. I love seeing them make their lunches the night before, lay out their clothes, put absolutely everything they need in the backpacks and set those back to school alarms! Everything went off this morning without a hitch with Billy. He was up extra-early, talkative and ready and his over-eager friend who lives up the street knocked on my door at 6:30 a.m. (the bus comes right around 7). Off he went, nervous but excited.

Next comes Matt. He too was excited in his own way about back to school. He set his alarm for 6:50 and actually got up and came down. Now the difference is that he goes and sits right in the kitchen, magically awaiting breakfast to appear before his eyes. I'm trying to train him. I gently suggested cereal, english muffins, frozen waffles, etc. and he took the bait. It was pleasant! Everything went really well until he went to put his sneakers on. He has mostly been wearing nothing on his feet, maybe sandals if I remind him or his cleats for football. When he slid them on (running shoes) there was this big peice of what felt like metal jabbing into his heel. I tried the old standby (duct tape) but you could still feel it!!! Aughhhh!!! We didn't think we needed new school sneakers because I just bought these right before the summer. Luckily, he had his basketball shoes that still fit! He handled it well :)

They both had a great first day and it was a bit chaotic when I got home from work because two of the neighbor kids were here. I need to lay some ground rules and have no-one here when I get home so I can spend some time with the boys and hear about the day before I go racing out to drop Matt off at Football. We already called a family meeting about it and all is understood. SO hopefully we are off to a great year.. I'm sure it will be challenging because I'm working more.. but who isn't up for a challenge!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sentimental Hygiene

I love my dental hygienist! Tonight Billy had to come with me because we went to Matt's open house at the Intermediate School at 4:30, had to drop Matt off at Football by 5:00 and be at the dentist by 5:15.. so no time to drop him off. But Kristin loves Billy and told him to come upstairs into the room with us where he pretty much made her laugh the whole time while I had my mouth wide open and was convulsing on spit. She has two little boys, Bryson and Cameron, who are her whole world. When I meet someone like that, who is such a good mom, my faith kind of gets restored that there actually might be a generation of kids who have loving families. So.. after a long and hectic day, I'm happy to be sitting here waiting for my ritz cracker fish to cook and drinking an Amstel Light with my nice, clean shiny teeth and a little smile in my heart.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You know its cold when...

Matthew asks me to make Chicken Pot Pie. Since it is such a staple of mine for the fall and winter I told him he just has to wait so he doesn't get sick of it.

Union Blues.. Chapter 2

Well, backstabbing co-worker has resigned from the position after spending the afternoon by herself in the busy, busy office on Friday. I finally saw her on Monday and asked if we could talk for a minute. She was ready to pretend nothing happend..Usually I say What the Heck, but I'm tempted to say something else!

Anyway, I calmly explained that I was not upset that she put in a bid for the position. It is fair game for everyone, but I was upset that she didn't at least shoot me off an e-mail or give me a phone call so I would have a heads up when I was told by my boss. (Actually I was having a hard time breathing while explaining all this, confrontation is not my favorite thing, but it was necessary while I will be working with this girl).. She apologized numerous times and said she couldn't believe she did it, she was "egged on" by other employees who told her the hours were perfect, etc. etc. She also brought up the fact that once I got a Title I job with the school that she had applied for and never got hired because the principal couldn't stand her.. Ahem, what does that have to do with anything? I listened politely and said I was sorry that she felt that way.. and we made nice and its all good. Will I trust her again or even really want to be her friend? No. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I will never be mean, but I will not seek her out.

SO for chaper 2, there is one other contender with three months more seniority than me. This is such a frustrating thing. I'm working from home this week because I'm not going to keep going in there and doing a job that might not be mine. In the meantime, the principal of the Elementary School called my cell phone yesterday and offered me a Kindergarten Aide position. Flattering, but I would rather the mammo job.. more money more hours... So keep your collective fingers crossed for me, because I'm becoming rather cross about this whole situation!

UPDATE: The job is mine! I just got a conference call from my boss and supervisor. The other girl did not pass her competencies! YAHOO! I have to take a tyig test (which will be a breeze) and customer service test (?) and a basic medical terminology test which everyone passes (yikes) and I start MONDAY.. Here goes the busy life that I was asking for. but I'm really happy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

They smile in your face..

all the time they're gonna take your place.. the backstabbers (backstabbers)

Ok.. here's the scoop. You all know I mentioned working in a new department. The people in that department called me personally saying we want you for this job. Even though its union, they were sincerely hoping that my bid would get me in. In the meantime, a certain co-worker of mine, who has her house on the market and plans to move to NC (ahem, Norma you know who this is) asks to train per diem in this department while I am filling in. My supervisor who is thinking we could use someone else if either Jen or I is out, said yes, she can shadow me. I have known this woman for 14 years, met her in childbirth class with Billy and I am friendly with her. I've been to her house, she's been to mine,, etc. So anyway, over to the department she comes (remember I have only been doing this job for two weeks) and I am to show her the ropes. I take meticulous notes and she asked if she could look at my notes.. of course, says I. She then proceeds to photocopy my notes. Ok..weird, I'm thinking, but ok... I take her to the reading room and stand over her shoulder while she is hanging films, encouraging and praising her. I asked her why she wanted to take this on per diem when she had so much going on in her life.. well, she tells me, when I apply at a hospital in NC, I will be that much more valuable.. blah, blah, blah... and we're happily chatting and being very friendly. My supervisor thinks I'm a shoe in for the job. OK, I get to work on Monday and find out that while I was in Maine last week, said co-worker put a bid in FOR MY JOB!!!!!! She waited til I left and she knows she has more seniority than me.. My boss, my supervisor and all my co-workers were floored!!! No-one saw this coming. I was so hurt that she didn't tell me.. I know its fair game. .Its union and all but friends, she duped me, and bad. I've made peace with it and hope she gets the job and falls flat on her face. I'm not being mean, even if she just told me I would have been sad, but I would've dealt with it. But she seriously used me.. and my notes. So lesson learned is that I'm not going to be so nice anymore. I'd love your thoughts and to know if I'm being a baby. :) I also think its kind of selfish to take a position and not know when your house is going to sell. The other thing is she gets as many hours as she wants per diem and is covered under her husbands health insurance.. anything else?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thanksgiving in August... :)

We had the best time in Maine! Hope you enjoy the pictures..Friday night Mark got lobsters and steamers for all who wanted them. From what I'm told, there's nothing in the world like Maine lobster! I had to settle for a hot dog and some corn on the cob! We hung out on the beach all day Saturday, the weather was perfect. Around 3:30 I started peeling 15 pounds of potatoes for the turkey fest that evening. They got a tent in the yard with round tables and all of the neighbors brought a dish. They even had a whole bar set up outside. It was a blast! The only horrible part is that Billy came down with a very high fever that night. I thought it was from too much sun and kept the cloth on his forehead and gave him liquids and fever reducers but he was miserable. Almost to the point of delirium.. I was pretty scared that night. The next morning he was still not himself so we had to hit the road and when I got home and his temp was still 102 I called the doctor.. They said there was a summer virus going around with high fever and headache.. the next day he went to the doctor but he was fine by then. So hope none of you experience this virus..hope I don't get it! Anyway, work has been very stressful.. I'll tell later because I'm off to football now and a 2 mile walk to destress! Lesson learned is not to share your knowledge!!! I'll tell ya later!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Off to the beach...

We are heading up to Wells, ME today to spend the weekend with friends who have a house right on the beach. It is a really beautiful beach and stretches for miles. I got a call yesterday from Barb who wanted a head count on who wants lobster and steamers tonight and how many each! Bill will be in heaven. None of us eat steamers..I don't know why. But Bill and Matt both want lobster. There also will be clam chower, burgers and dogs and corn on the cob right on their back patio overlooking the beach. Mark always has a bonfire at night and all the kids are playing football or running around on the beach while we have a couple drinks. Its really nice.

Tomorrow I'm told I will be peeling potatoes. 15 pounds of potatoes to be exact! They have an annual Thanksgiving in July party at their house and this will be our first time in attendance. He rented a huge grill, big enough to do 10 turkeys and is getting a tent with chairs in case of rain. These people sure know how to live. They are very relaxed and gracious and love to entertain. Should be a fun weekend! I need to stay home and clean and organize one of these days.. Maybe next weekend :)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Billy!!!!!

14 years old today! We had a great day. Bill and I gave him money for this birthday this year and I took the day off and we spent it shopping. First we went to Kohl's where he got lots of great things for back to school.. A bargain hunter like his mother, he shopped the sale racks! Then off to Target for the third season of That 70s Show.. and then to his favorite bookstore in Duxbury, called Westwinds, where he found the third book in fantasy trilogy that he is reading. (Also I got to browse this pretty gift store and pick up a hostess gift for our friends in Maine). Then we stopped at French Memories bakery where I bought two baguettes to go with our dinner of I'm sure you can all guess because that's all I have been cooking lately.. yes eggplant parm. But I also make a lasagne too. Both sets of grandparents came over and my nephew Kevin stopped to eat before his Marine physical training...He asked for a strawberry cake with buttercream frosting and vanilla ice cream with butterscotch sauce. The streamer fairy (me) stayed up until past midnight to hang bright green streamers on his door. It's tough when they stay up later! Brings back memories of when he was little and would whoosh whoosh through the streamers with a big smile on his face. This boy is a delight to all who know him. If there were more Billy's in the world, it would be a better place!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Who said the livin is easy?

Summertime.. and the livin is BUSY!!!!! (hope you are all humming that tune in a blues like voice) It seems like the summer is flying by. Football camp started last night and Matt is about a head taller than most of the Pee Wees. He is having fun and the drive and determination I'm seeing in him this year is awesome. He wants it bad this year! I hope we have a great season. His braces were red and black this time for his team colors.. cool.

I'm still working in Mammography and you wouldn't believe how busy it is in that department. My days pretty much fly by and the people I work with are just great. The crazy girl is in transcription and actually I have much more patience with her now that I'm not seeing her as much. I'm trying to be kind...

I did a tent function at the hall where I have been doing some work with my friend and it was actually a blast. Serving is not something I have ever in my life done and this was an open bar, outside overlooking this gorgeous lake. I was mostly a cocktail waitress balancing frozen mudslides and malibu baybreezes in between coronas with lime...Good thing it was open bar so I didn't have to remember money. I made about 40 dollars in tips and walked about a hundred miles that night! I'm putting this money aside for my cruise fund for my in-laws 50th anniversary next year. I actually like busting my butt, who knew? I always thought I was the lazy type (hahaha)...Anyway...been very busy so sorry I haven't been popping into people's blogs. Happy to see our friend Drew is back.. We missed him and all his infinite wisdom! Happy Tuesday, ya'll....

p.s. Has anyone checked out the new show Damages.. It's really good..