So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, April 30, 2007

Book Review...

I read so much this weekend, but the book I read yesterday I couldn't put down. It was called NINTEEN MINUTES by Jodi Piccout. Reading this on the heels of the Virginia Tech tragedy was very thought provoking.

It was about a teenage boy in a small town in New Hampshire that had been mercilessly picked on and teased since Kindergarten and who finally snapped. It told the perspectives of not only the victims, families and classmates, but also of the perpetrator and his family.

Kids have been getting picked on forever. There was a pecking order when I was a kid and probably back when my parents were kids. But it really does have to stop. Sometimes people go too far and also people ignore signs of impending doom from these kids. We have all seen the "goths" walking around with their black clothes, and dyed hair and pins in their noses and we assume that they are troubled. I wonder if anyone ever listens to them.. I wonder if their parents talk to them and ask them how their day was. One of the things in this book that really got me was that this kids parent's had no idea what he went through on a daily basis. He told them things were "fine" when they asked. He spent way too much time in his room on the computer. He has accessibilty to weapons and directions from the internet on how to make bombs.
When he was little and did complain to his mother, she told him he needed to fight back and toughen up. She thought she was helping. I remember telling Billy to stand up for himself when he was having trouble on the bus. "Don't let them push you around!" I said. But I also listened, and hugged him and told him that he didn't have to change who he was. I also taught them both that they don't have to like everyone, but don't ever let me hear of them being cruel to anyone. In fact, Billy had a very hard year in 5th grade because he kept sticking up for a kid who had some problems and was teased constantly. He was so torn because he himself got picked on for sticking up for this kid. It's a catch 22. If you do the right thing and stand up for someone else, you become the target.

At bedtime I hugged both my boys as I do each night and told them to always talk to Dad and I about anything. Never tell us things are fine if they aren't and that we would always be there to help and talk things through. I'm lucky that my kids are happy.... there are so many out there that aren't.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If at first you don't succeed...

Try, Try again!

Hot fresh coffee here.. Get your hot fresh coffee!!!

I did it correctly this time and at 5:30 a.m. I could here the grinding begin. It might be all in my head, but it made it easier to get up today. Happy Hump Day, All!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Efficiency gone bad...

I tried to get a jump start on my morning work by finally learning how to program my coffeemaker. We have this great Cuisinart that grinds the whole beans for a great pot of coffee. I set it for 5:50 a.m. figuring I would get up to a nice fresh cup but lo and behold, my husband spoke out loud at 2:45 a.m. saying "there goes your coffee"... It was grinding away... I guess I should read the directions. Believe it or not, it was still hot and I'm drinking it right now!

Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm Lovin it!

and not McDonald's either! I'm just loving this balmy weather we had today! I feel like a new person.. Got up super early and worked, then went to the gym where I did the "Body Tone" (torture) class. She did circuits of push ups (ha!) squats and lunges, then abs with the yoga boat pose that we had to hold for 24 seconds.. It was really hard, but later when I took the boys for a bike ride I noticed that I felt stronger.. hmmmm there must be something to this working out! tomorrow is Spin Class and swimming.. I just may be getting addicted. Sunday I did a hatha yoga class that kicked my butt. But.. I digress....

Billy is home safe and sound and had a great trip. His pictures were fun to look at and we all really missed our boy! Had a wonderful weekend just hanging out and had an impromptu gathering at my in-laws yesterday with their best friends. We all sat around and listened to the elder generation (late seventies) tell of growing up during the depression and rationing and war times. It was so interesting I could have listened to them all day. We really do have life easy and so much to be thankful for. I think that is why older people don't take as many risks with debt because they have been through such rough times. Great people...

Monday's down.. four more to go before the weekend. It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow but then back to 50s. Hope everyone saw the sun today!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I just thought I'd post this picture of me and my two sisters. It's one of my favorites and a couple of years ago I had it copied and framed and gave one to each of my older sisters. It was 1970 so I was 4 and Janice was 9 and Diane, 10. We were in my brother's room and I don't know what the occasion was, but it looks like I'm either in a slip or a dress. I had a lot of fun with my sisters, and still do. Yes, they tortured me with tickling and pulling pranks on me, but they also spoiled me and protected me... In this crazy world of ours I just thought I'd give a shout out to good people, good times...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Halfway there...

Augh!!!!!!! I like my kids under my roof!! I will be one happy Mama when Saturday at 7a.m. arrives!

Billy is loving Washington DC.. He's really taking it all in and has already used 4 disposable cameras up. Can't wait to see these pictures. He really misses us though. Now I really wish I had chaperoned. He said that he wishes he was seeing it with us and has called many times. He's not crazy about his room-mate situation and has complained that the boys are all perverted (well, they are 13).. but he is really not that kind of kid and is much more mature than the average 13 year old. He's really there to see the sites and take in as much as he can and it sounds like they are really there to be goofy.. so I feel a little bad and wish that some of his closer friends had gone because he would have not missed us so much. I swear sometimes my heart is made of glass.... But he'll survive and has told me that he is having a good time.

Matthew has been having a great week.. starting with his birthday sleepover.. then he had a sleepover last night, and my nephew Philip is now staying with us for a couple days and they are playing Dance Dance Revolution.. I need to try this! I'm going to take them swimming tomorrow at my healthclub and hopefully the weather will clear up. I've been very shaken up by the Virginia Tech tragedy, as I'm sure everyone is.. Another reason to wish my son was home...

Have a good week everyone... Wish KathyDyah was chaperoning Billy!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Off to the Capital!

Well, Billy's gone. We got up at 5 a.m. Bill had made a pumpkin bread with cream cheese last night for a quick breakfast. I was awake all night long listening to the wind and worrying about my child being on a bus in this weather. The rain had mostly stopped by the time we got to the meeting point. Matt came along snuggled in a blanket to see his brother off. The excitement on all the kids faces was enough to break my solemn mood. They were all so happy and I watched as Billy took a window seat, next to his friend since 2nd grade, and he looked so grown up.

We drove home, put on the coffee, and Matt fell promptly asleep on the living room sofa. What a feeling... I miss him already yet I'm so happy for him and can't wait til he comes home full of stories and excitement.

We had a good laugh together yesterday, of course because of a mom spaz.
He wanted to borrow a book from a friend at school, Julia, to take to read on the bus. I had gone to buy him some snacks and on the way home called the house and told him to call her as I was going right by their house. All set.. I knocked on the door and 2 twin boys and their younger sister answered and I explained that I was Matt and Billy T's mother and Billy wanted to borrow a book from Julia. "Oh, she's not home right now but we can look for it for you".. I'm thinking "Didn't he just call her".. Well these sweet boys searched the house and tried calling on the cell phone to their mom but no answer... They took down my number and said they would be sure to call when they got home, which should be soon. Came home and told Billy what happened. WRONG JULIA!!! He was so embarrassed... But I only knew of this one Julia, he never talked about another Julia.. so he had a good laugh... :)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Calling all Bloggers!!!

Ok, Billy is trying to find a song title/artist so he can download it from itunes. Only problem is we barely know the words and I can't hum a tune very well! Called on Auntie Diane (who thinks it might be Dido and Cousin Michael who gave me a different song - shows you my singing abilities).. so we are in limbo here!

It is sung by a female in almost a talking chant type song and at the beginning she says...

do do do do, do do do do, do do do do do do do do..I am sitting by the window something something apartment ... and my hair is getting wet.

I know, I know.. not much help. But I think its kind of an oldie..

If you have a revelation.. send it on over!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Matt was born on a Thursday morning at 9:37 a.m. in 1996. At 10 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long, he was QUITE a baby! He was so big that he was born with a broken collar bone and looked like a three month old compared to the other babies in the nursery. I fell in love with this baby at first site and my heart is still smitten with this brown haired, brown eyed child of mine.

What can I say about Matthew? I'm just so proud of him.. he's the kind of kid that I would want to be friends with if I was a kid. He's nice, kind, smart as a whip, athletic, funny and loyal. He loves sports, especially FOOTBALL!! and he really loves us, his family.

We are having filet mignon ("those good steaks that Dad makes") with corn (his favorite vegetable with baked potatoes, and strawberry ice cream with hot fudge for desert. On friday night, he is having a couple friends sleep over after the big dance (which I am chaperoning) and we will make them a nice pancake breakfast and then take them down to Gray's Beach where they can play basketball and football if the whether allows. I can't believe how fast time is going by.. I really like my kids, not just love them.. I really like hanging out with them, and watching them grow up and I just want them to be happy and lead good lives.

We hang streamers on their doors when they sleeping the night before their birthdays so that when they wake up, they have to walk through them to get out.. We ran out of streamers, so I used Christmas curling ribbon which was actually more fun looking!

Happy Birthday, baby! I love you so much...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


That's me, growling. What a stinkin rotten day I had (for the most part). I went into work (like the good doobie that I am) because of a sick call. I was very pleasant this morning and chatty to the other girl in the office who also chatted back about what we did for Easter, etc. etc. Halfway through the morning she blurts out in an angry voice "so what's going on with everyone undermining me in the office?" I'm like "excuse me?".. You have to know first off that she's nuts. The full time girls don't like her at all..It's nothing you can put your finger on.. she's just annoying and somewhat crazy. I had always felt bad for her and always went out of my way to include her in conversations because that's just the way I am.. Well, she went on to say that she knows everyone makes fun of her, blah, blah, blah.. Well, I pretty much told her straight out that I don't have a problem with her, and that if she has a problem with other people she needs to confront them and NOT ME. I told her that I'm only in there once a week, and I don't want or need any of this nonsense. It was a very uncomfortable, weird conversation and I'm still feeling weird about it. I can totally understand why no one wants to work with her.. This is the side I haven't seen. Don't go feeling bad for her because she gets right under your skin....anyway, after lunch she is all super nice and psycho to me.. I couldn't wait to get out of there.... then on the way home I checked my home phone messages. It was Matt's CCD teacher who was sick and needed a sub. So I called and said I would sub (total last minute, nothing prepared but I love kids so I figured I would wing it).. There were 3 boys including Matt and 3 girls. All of the kids were great except for this one boy who was totally and completely rude and was making strange noises and putting rosary beads on his head and poking the other boy. I spoke to him stearnly but nicely (I know his parents and he plays football with Matt). I told him to please be respectful when other people are talking, and that we would be courteous to him when he is talking.. and that it was BAD MANNERS to talk and make noise when the other kids (who were being so good and were volunteering information and being cute) were speaking. Well he shut up for like 5 seconds and then I just lost it and went over and told him to stand up, I put his chair right next to mine, and told him that he was 11 years old and that he shouldn't behave like a 2 year old and that I wasn't there to babysit him. The other kids all looked at me like I lost it, but I calmly said "go ahead, Jessica, pick up where Laura left off. He shut the hell up for a little while and actually thanked me for subbing at the end of class. What the heck.....??????? I don't think they'll be calling me back to sub.. In fact, I hope not! Grrrrrrrr..... P.s. Matt didn't mind that I lost it.. he said the kid is like this every week.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Seasonal mix up?

This morning Matthew announced to me that it was warmer on Christmas than it was on Easter! Wow. It is still in the chilly 40s although at least the sun is shining, but it really needs to warm up to the 60 degrees that I'm longing for.

I remember when we wore shorts on April vacation, and Easter dresses with sandals and no sleeves.. The good ol' days.

Easter was fabulous yesterday. Although I had insomnia and was up typing medical reports at 4:30 a.m. Easter Sunday. I figured I was wide awake, why not get some OT?
Went to the 8:00 mass which was completely packed and we sat up in the balcony and watched from up high. My brother Ed, sister-in-law, Davina, and their 4 kids (Michael, Avery, Alex, and Emma) and my sister-in-law Karen all came over for a very relaxed day! No stress.. All the kids helped chop the salad up.. it was really funny that they all wanted in on the chopping. We had lasagne, meatballs, salad and bread and after had a small cake for Matt since his b-day is Wednesday. He was thrilled. The kids are all now at the age where they can walk down to hte beach by themselves and to me this is so cool. Where did the time go. My only complaint is that they live an hour away and we really don't get to hang out as much as I'd like (right D?)...

I was in my jammies at 6 and after watching the Amazing Race (where Joyce and Uchenna were eliminated) I was promptly asleep by 9:30.

Have a great Monday :) I have to get back to the gym this week.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning......

Oh, what a beautiful day.. I've got a beautiful feeling that everything's going my way......

Remember that old show tune? Is it Oklahoma? I don't know but its the first thing I thought when I came down the stairs after sleep in until 8:30 a.m. The sun is just streaming through the windows and I LOVE IT! Coffee is extra yummy today and I just made Billy a bagel egg and cheese sandwich with some cantelope on the side and received a kiss, hug and a "you're the best mom" which makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it!

He needs a haircut today and then we are going to take a drive over to Duxbury to his favorite book store to browse and after we always stop at this little bakery called FRENCH MEMORIES where I will get a chai tea and he will get whatever he wants and we drive over to Duxbury beach and sit in the car and watch the water.. If its' not too windy, we'll take a walk over the bridge, but I have a feeling that it will be windy. I e-mailed work and told them I would do my hours later this afternoon.

It's Good Friday and between the hours of 12 and 3 I will be back home reflecting on my good fortune and being thankful for all I have in this world. I have not really been my usual happy self for the past few months and I think it's just a combination of the culmination of a stressful year and a long, dragged out winter. I will try my very best to have a better attitude and to, in the words of dear departed Warren Zevon "Enjoy every sandwich"......

Have a wonderful Friday.. I hope you all get at least a peek of the sun :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What day is this?

That's how I feel this week.. I've been working double duty. My old friends in the Mammography Department called upon me for some help doing reception duties and hanging films for the radiologists so I've been working 4 hours from home and going into the hospital and doing 4 hours in there.. Today was my last day of it, plus I did 3 hours OT in transcription last night because we are very behind in reports. I love working with the girls in the department so it all worth it - we have a lot of laughs in between patients.. come to think of it, I even like the patients! I guess I really am a people person and in a couple years when Matt's in junior high I will definitely find a job more complementary to my personality! Other than that, same old, same old... The new season of The Shield on FX started last night. Bill and I just watched it.. and it was depressing. I'll give it a couple more episodes and then might have to dump it like we did with 24.. Who needs to watch tv for more stress.

Billy leaves for his class trip to Washington in a few weeks.. yikes.. I'll need all your therapy that week, friends! How bout this weather, huh? It stinks. I wore gloves today. I was sad. I came home from work famished (I designated this "fend for yourselves night") and ate the weirdest assortment of food before I had to bring Matt to guitar lessons (and a visit to the library).. Ended up taking a couple tums to settle me down. Billy even told me to stop eating.. must be the weather!
So, what day is this, anyway?