So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, July 31, 2006


My wandering gypsy family spent the weekend at my sister's house down the cape (Dennis to be exact).. It was just what we needed. As soon as I got there, a nice, cold corona with lime was put in my hand. We sat on the deck and talked and laughed til dinner. My kids are completely entertained by my sister and her stories. Billy laughs until he is choking! Next day we spent the WHOLE day at Cold Storage beach which is so beautiful. We sat by the jetty and the boys all fished and walked the rocks while we sat by the water which was surpisingly warm.. After a perfect beach day, we went back to the house for more coronas and some surf-n-turf (steak and lobster which I cannot partake of because of lousy iodine allergy)... but I got to enjoy watching everyone else crack the shells and dip the butter. Jimmy made us blue martinis (lovely gift from neice Ashley to Auntie Janice) and we all made S'mores over the copper fire bowl.. and best of all...... I slept in a comfy bed!!!! Have I mentioned that the bed in this house is killing me..? The BED IN THIS HOUSE IS KILLING ME!!!! I bought a mattress topper today so I won't wake up a gazzillion times tonight.. I'll let you know if it works..TTFN

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Visit with Parental units..

I took a ride up to my parents yesterday. Just me.. No kids in tow. No listening to music I don't like. No listening to bickering in the back seat. It was a nice way to clear my head. Its about a 35 minute ride without traffic. I was pleasantly surprised to see my oldest brother there when I arrived and the four of us sat in the kitchen and had a nice chat. I have to admit that when I walked in and hugged my Dad (extra-long hug) the tears just started flowing, so I took a bathroom break so he wouldn't see. When you see the one who used to take care of you, the big strong Dad who could do anything, in a predicament of such a precarious nature, you feel really helpless. In his case, even the doctors are bewildered, which doesn't leave me feeling so confident. But.. all we can do is wait and see.

Anyway, I love going to my parents house and being the kid. Theres just such comfort level when you walk through the door, even though this isn't the house I grew up. I never lived where they live because they bought after I was already out and married. But still, I could curl up and nap if I wanted to .. or throw on a blanket and snuggle in front of the T.V. I don't think there is anywhere in the world where you feel as at home (as your own house..) than your parent's house. (that is if you are lucky enough to have a good relationship with your parents) :)

We had a nice dinner out at Applebees'.. just the three of us (again, me doing the whole"kid" thing was nice) and went back to the house before I headed home.

I asked my father if there is anything he hasn't done that he would like to do. He replied that he wants to go out West. I loved hearing that. He wants to see Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon and Monticello. My hopes for him are that he gets to go.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not so great....

Well, Eddie had his appointment with the surgeon yesterday, and of course, things are more complicated than we thought. Turns out there are cancerous endocrine cells (hormones) in the tumor which means it might be elsewhere. He can't have radiation because he already had it in that spot. They don't want to give him chemo because they are unsure of its response. The new plan is the removal of not only most of the colon, they want to take out his bladder as well, do a prostatectomy and an ileostomy. And my Dad's response, "whatever it takes to live". There will be meetings with a urologist, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist and of course the surgeon. Because of his pacemaker, he cannot have an MRI done so they will do ultrasound. The surgery will take place the second week in August.

I hope we have some more time with him. I know he's almost 80, but we need him here for a while longer. Thanks for all of your prayers and keep them coming. He's a trooper. I'm going to pop up there today for hugs and... I'm going to stay positive :)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

It's raining, its pouring..

We ended up going to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center with the kids. It's a really nice nature trail through animal exhibits. They have bobcats, mountain lions, otters, fisher cats, raptors AND BEARS!! The bear exhibit is my favorite and today, even with all the rain, they were out and about. They actually came right up to the viewing center. It was so beautiful to see up close! Some of the other animals mustn't like the rain, because they were under their shelters. This place takes animals who were injured and put them in a really nice, natural habitat. We were all completely drenched and now we are back in the nice warm house with nice warm clothes!

Back up in NH for the weekend...

We went on a 14 mile bike ride from Cannon Mountain to Clark's trading post yesterday. It's a blast. There are a few parts where I have to get off my bike and walk the hill.. not because of my legs but because of my lungs. I need to work on my lung capacity! The other parts are mostly downhill and you don't have to pedal at all (that's the fun part). We have my nephew Kevin (17) with us and Matthew's best friend Tommy (11) so the boys are all having a great time playing video games and board games. I don't know what the plan is for today, because it sure looks like rain, but its always nice to relax even if the skies open up.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm sad...

I was hoping I wouldn't have to post this, but I get got news on my father's recent colonoscopy. They found a mass and took biopsies and have given him a positive result for rectal cancer. The mass needs to be removed right away so he is going to meet with a surgeon on Tuesday. When they operate, they will find out what stage it is, whether it is contained, and what further treatment he will need.

On a good note, he is being so positive and wonderful about this. I just got off the phone with him and he told me not to worry, that he already promised my mother he will be here for their 50th anniversary (three more years)...He wants us all to be positive and I am going to be, for him.

I'm just feeling pissed off about the whole thing because he has had so many health problems, has worked so hard in his life, and I want him to be able to enjoy his golden (HA!) years. He just went through radiation for prostate cancer in 2004. He had a pacemaker put in just this year for his atrial fibrillation and weakened heart....and yet, he continues to defy the odds. I'm just so glad he doesn't want to give up..

Thanks for listening...........keep him in your thoughts....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Power Out!

After going out for Peking Ravioli and a Mich Ultra with a friend, I came back to a dark neighborhood and everyone sitting out on the patio. NO POWER!!! Right in the middle of Big Brother, everything suddenly shut off... It must have been everyone with their AC on because of this heat. We would have loved to stay out in the dark but the ferocious mosquitos were feasting on us.. so into the HOT HOUSE we went. They boys amused themselves with flashlights and played UNO in the dark. We adults just sat like lumps in our chairs feeling helpless without our electricity. After about an hour, we all gave up and went to bed only to be awakened hours later by a much needed thunder and lightening storm. It was beautiful! I slept with every windown open and the cool breeze was appreciated more than ever! Hope this is the end of the heatwave.. I, for one, have had quite enough.

Monday, July 17, 2006

A day at the beach...

Oops, forgot to post these earlier. Here's Matt and Tommy enjoying BIG ROCK!

Home again, Home again Jiggety Jig...

I've been super busy since getting back from vacation. Mostly catching up on work, but also catching up with friends and family. We have had some wonderful days down at our local beach (right down the road). Matt and his best friend Tommy spent hours hunting for hermit crabs, putting in Grandpa's chub trap in the eel grass in hopes of catching chubs, and jumping off "big rock". I have loved watching them and sitting and reading a magazine and sipping lemonade. Really nice. :) The house is coming along, the hardy plank is going up on the side and painting will come soon. Inside, it is mostly behind the scenes plumbing and electrical so nothing exciting. The pictures are of the house and I'll include some of the boys at the beach. Hope everyone is well and I'm glad to be (although its not my own..) HOME.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy 41st Birthday Honey!!!!

Happy Birthday to my best friend and lifetime partner!!!!! He's driving back up from MA to spend his birthday with me. I made a nice marina sauce yesterday which we are having with spinach and cheese ravioli, some nice wine (don't have red, white will have to do), garlic bread and his favorite....Hostess Cupcakes for desert. Hey, its not by birthday its his, and if Hostess is what he wants, Hostess is what he gets. We got him some nice presents... a nice orange silk camp shirt from me, Blue Mountain Coffee, a can of pecans, a skiing board game that he picked out up here years ago and the boys bought him a huge wooden pepper grinder because he loves to cook. So I hope he is happy with our gifts and our dinner.. Later tonight we will catch up on some recorded shows and have an early bed as he has to head to work at 4:45 a.m.....

I hope his 41st year is a special and happy one, and I'll do my part to assure that it is!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Miss Piggy

That's it. No more banana splits for me. I'm stuffed. When I get home, I vow to:

1. Eat right.

2. Exercise.

3. That's all.

My fat belly and I are going to put on some fat clothes.

Don't you just love a bargain?

I drove down south (ha!) to the local Marshalls up here in the WM of NH... I made out like a bandit!!! Having some birthday cash to spend, I wandered about the clearance isles and came upon an adorable Tommy Hilfiger gray cotton robe with pink piping for a mere TEN DOLLARS!!!!! I also purshased not one, but two tankinis (one a Calvin Klein and the other Ann Cole) for a mere 18 dollars!!!

As I sit this morning, watching the rain and reading my wonderful book in my lovely new Tommy Hilfiger robe and working on my second cup of coffee in my LIFE IS GOOD mug, I must is good!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Beauty Faux Pa...

Forgive me for I know not what I have done...

I have cut my own bangs. They are too short.

They will grow. Breathe now.

News Alert!

When I opened up USA TODAY this morning, this is what greeted me:


"A gang of cross-dressing shoplifters, tall, slender men in brassy blonde wigs, stiletto heels and skintight tank tops, have been terrorizing clothing stores for months. They've hit at least a half-dozen times since shops reopened after Katrina hit on Aug. 29."

Apparently, above said "divas" who are 6 feet tall are using the fact that shopkeepers don't want to stare at them while they are shopping. They sometimes have babies or toddlers with them while they load their arms full of the boldest, brightest, neon colored outfits they can find. Then, while their arms are full, they make a dash outside where a white Toyota carts them away to safety.

Since police are slow putting an end to these crimes, locals store owners have devised a lookout system where if one sees the "divas" they immediately phone each other and lock their doors to the cross dressing bandits.

So, ladies and gentlemen, if you come across any 6 feet tall, brassy blondes in stiletto heels wielding babies or toddlers, make a run for it.. you could become victim to a fashion crime.

Oh, what a wonderful world......................

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm feelin 40.....

After two ACTIVITY filled days, I need to REST!!!! Today, I am going to sit on the deck (with lots of sunblock :) and read the book that my sister-in-law Liz gave me. So far its good.. Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer.

Here's a recap of the activity. Birthday: Got up after a nice evening of cheesecake and chocolate to a yummy egg breakfast from hubby. Packed water, PB&J and Pringles, and headed on down to Campton where we were loaded in a van with some other adventure-seeking families and dropped off at the river with our kayaks. As chance has it there happened to be another woman there celebrating her 40th. She was born hours before me.. she was OLDER!! We all got into our kayaks and off we went. Matt was nervous about dying, but we assured him he would live and once he was going he loved it! It was so much fun and for the first couple of miles you almost didn't have to paddle because the river took you. The boys goofed off a bit and were playing bumper boats with the kayaks but eventually stopped after being threatened :) We mozied (is that how you spell it?) on down the river and stopped at a few rocky beaches and had our lunch and explored. Our best stop was at a huge rock where Bill and I layed in the sun and across from it was a rope swing that the boys went on. It took all that was in me to keep my mouth shut as they swung out over the river and dropped in... it seemed so high but they did it and still have all their limbs! It was an 8 mile river ride and by the last mile or so our arms were sore.

After racing home and taking showers we headed out to the Common Man for the fastest dinner ever so we could catch the 6:50 showing of Pirates of the Carribean. The line was around the block and we are talking a 2 show tiny theater off the street. To say I was panicked is putting it mildly, especially after a big yellow bus full of teenage girls pulled up and started marching into the movies! But we made it in and actually got 4 seats together. The movie was great and we already can't wait to see part 3. We were all ready for bed and the boys were picking at each other after a day of too much togetherness.

Day 2: We slept late!!!!! Ate a good breakfast of blueberry pancakes and headed over the Kancamagus to Pinkham Notch where we hiked over to Glen Ellis Falls. It was supposed to be an easy hike (a little less than 2 miles) to the falls but it was the craziest path I ever saw. We were literally climbing over huge rocks and crossing over rivers jumping from rock to rock and squeezing between boulders. We finally got there and climbed down the man-made stone steps to view a gorgeous waterfall. So Day 1 we worked out our arms and Day 2 we worked our legs!!! Stopped at Subway (I had never been there, it was good) for lunch and of course at Friendlys for sundaes (there goes our workout) and finally headed home. Bill and I caught up on DEADWOOD (HBO show which we love). Matt had a sleepover with the neighbors.. and we headed to a much needed sleep.

Looking forward to doing nothing today!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

My last night as a 30 something...

Boy, am I a lightweight.. I'm on my second Amstel light (already feeling it) listening to an 80's CD that my neice Jessica (aka anonymous blogging woman) made me and making my very famous chicken parmesan for dinner. It doesn't get any better than this!

Got a b-day card from my good friend Mrs. W (aka Norma) and a lovely package from Jess (I'll be sure to take a tubby!) and a card from my friend Selena who lives up here in the White Moutains and became one of my saviors while I lived up here. She is the local librarian and I would walk in and she would just hand me a stack of books and say "read them". She is one of the funniest people I have ever met and I treasure our friendship.

I guess I'm feeling nostalgic about entering a new decade (my 5th decade to be exact..) but I'm not in the least dreading it. I like myself much better at just about 40 than I did in my tumultuous 20's and even in my getting to know me 30's. I'm cool with me. I'm at a good place even though I'm listening to West End Girls right now (thanks, Jess..)

As Warren Zevon said.. Enjoy Every Sandwich. And I plan to!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th!!!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! 47 years together and married on the 4th of July with a BANG! We had a nice little celebration cookout on the deck with champagne and way too much food! We then lit off a bunch of fireworks in the circle at the end of the street and my niece kept asking "Is this the GRAND FINALE?"! Much fun had by all. Mom and Dad headed home to catch the parade in their town and the rest of us decided to take a hike up Welch Dickey (halfway - I think we only did Welch, or maybe just Dickey)? After huffing my way up (first hike of the year) we were met with phenomenal views of Waterville Valley down below. We saw hawks and the kids picked wild blueberries and we all had a little snack before heading back down. After they went home we ended the day with Fireworks down in the Valley and headed home for bed! God Bless America!

Christmas in July!!!

We spent a fun filled (exhausting) day at Santas Village with my brother Mike, his wife Liz, my mom, and Anna (5) and Maria (3). Nothing like walking around in 90 degree weather while Christmas carols are being piped through the park to make you feel cooler! Nothing much has changed since I've been there, but my brother didn't remember it at all.. I told my kids it was probably the last time we would be there until they had kids of their own and I was a GRANDMA!!!! We all enjoyed the day (especially the decorate your own gingerbread cookies) and their roller coaster is just my speed! My boys adore their cousins and took very good care of them....Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Wild Horses...

Not really, actually pretty tame horses. I just love to see them in their field. Right up the street from us is an old barn with a huge field and they offer horseback riding in the summer months. We love going by and seeing them all grazing in the field.. not a sight we see everyday!

Haven't attempted to ride one yet, It's been quite a few years since I've been on a horse, and they are awfully big. (or am I just getting wimpy in my old age?). Maybe by the end of the summer.. we'll see.